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March 1st, 2010 by

Hi, folks!

I just want to post a small summarize about my experiences at FOSDEM 2010 in Brussels. For me as a trainee at the SUSE it was my first linux related europaeen meeting i ever joined, so it was quite amazing. On 5th February we started from Nuremberg at 12 am towards Begium and arrived circa 10 o’clock in the evening. After the check in we started to conquer the nightlife of Brussels which was tougher I expected because of my missing french skills. Unfortunaly, i missed the so popular “beer event” 🙁

On saturday day we attended the FOSDEM which tooks place at the ULB campus. It looked quite unspectular from outside but after we entered the building i had to grind out getting a first overview.  Many people, many stands  – from Amarok over Fedora, Debian and  SUSE to VLC – and a great atmosphere. After the opening talks I joined the Ruby on Rails lectures which were very intressting for me as becoming RoR coder. There was a lecture about Datamapper which was quite new for me as well as working with MongoDB and the “25 good practices in Ruby on Rails development”.

The next day was followed by a lecture about Aptoid, an project for deploying an own app server and the appropriated client app, and a informative talk about Mozilla´s Firefox Mobil (I’am using an Android smartphone so of course I’am curious what the stage of work it is). After some SUSE lectures about building images with KIWI and SUSE Studio the meeting was drawn to a close.  And remember, this was just an extract of +200 lectures!

For me it was a great experience and very informative – for things i already knew and i did not knew- and I’am looking forward to join FOSDEM in 2011!


Opening talk


The openSUSE booth

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2 Responses to “FOSDEM´10”

  1. I appear on the second picture XD
    Just and update, the new videos from the devrooms are available here

  2. Alex

    LOL 😉