Comments on: OBS 2.1: Status of SuperH (sh4) support with QEMU Blogs and Ramblings of the openSUSE Members Fri, 06 Mar 2020 17:50:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Martin Mohring Tue, 26 Oct 2010 19:37:13 +0000 Uups, die not do reply. See my comment below.

By: Martin Mohring Tue, 26 Oct 2010 13:24:33 +0000 I think Riku “made” the merged QEMU used in the MeeGo project. You can check the git repository on gitorious for MeeGo QEMU. To merge these changes into the upstream QEMU project, the authors have to decide to do so. For the pure OBS usage, I see currently no need to put in OpenGL patches.

This can change if local build is used for building for example QT apps that need openGL bindings and the emulatation, like for ARM. E.g. local OBS build works together with a kind of “SDK”.

By: Bogdan Cristea Mon, 25 Oct 2010 15:23:20 +0000 Are there any plans to merge into qemu GL support ? MeeGo project uses already a patched version of qemu and it seems to be an useful patch for embedded developpers.
