Comments on: We can do better Blogs and Ramblings of the openSUSE Members Fri, 06 Mar 2020 17:50:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Scott DuBois Sun, 22 Jul 2012 20:52:40 +0000 That was an absolutely EXCELLENT write up! As a first year user of openSUSE and only 3 years into using open source, I know how difficult it can be to find answers to daily problems and concerns we run into. Usually turning to friends or family is not possible since we are “Lone Rangers” in our decision to run Linux. “Noobs” really depend heavily on forums for answers to our problems. Yes, we would ultimately like to solve those problems ourselves if possible, but sometimes, when we have reached our wits end (if you will) we turn to the forums where we hope for a friendly “HI!, how can I help you today?” Sometimes we get “Why are you messing with something you don’t understand!” answers which are not helpful at all.

Taking the time to help someone with whatever their question is as a volunteer is a great responsibility which has to come from not only “wanting” to help others, but being willing to be helpful instead of demeaning or sarcastic in response. I completely agree with everything you just said and I support your efforts in “I think we can do better” comes from both sides, especially from the volunteers willing to take the time to help answer those questions.

I believe one of the strongest potentials we have at openSUSE is the ability to work together to help make our forums a “fun and informative” place where people can feel very comfortable turning to for help transitioning from a Windows or OSx platform to an openSUSE platform. The success of SUSE is not solely on the deployment of the Enterprise edition to major corporations, but to all the people involved at all levels from top to bottom respecting each other and showing to the world that openSUSE is a team sport where we welcomely invite new participants to join in and offer support to make sure that their experience with openSUSE or SUSE Enterprise is the very best computing experience they have ever had. It’s not only about getting new users on board, but keeping the ones who do get on and spreading the word that “Those people over at openSUSE ROCK!”

By: John Kilgour Fri, 20 Jul 2012 15:15:11 +0000 Well Said!!
