Comments on: New Proprietary AMD/ATI Catalyst omega fglrx 14.12 (14.501.1003-1) rpm released Blogs and Ramblings of the openSUSE Members Fri, 06 Mar 2020 17:50:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bruno Friedmann Fri, 27 Feb 2015 09:16:10 +0000 Are you sure that you have a qualified gpu? Look like the one you were using is not a HD5xxx or above.

By: Bruno Friedmann Fri, 27 Feb 2015 09:13:04 +0000 Hey Nico, I was traveling last week and didn’t being able to rebuild the new patches from Sebastian.
The drivers build have just been released with a new build version supporting 3.19 kernel 14.501.1003-2

By: nico_g Wed, 25 Feb 2015 13:40:22 +0000 Thanks for your work : the driver was perfect under Tumbleweed with 3.18 kernel. But I have updated to 3.19 and fglrx is broken…
I posted here :
I think we need a new version for 3.19 kernel. Thanks in advance for your help and if you need some help for test, I’m here !


By: Chris Sat, 21 Feb 2015 17:11:59 +0000 FGLRX will not work with GNOME on 13.2. To resolve, you must install lightdm, and manually type lightdm inside system-config editor as your display manager.

Only then, you can boot into Gnome3

By: SteveAdams Wed, 07 Jan 2015 07:10:06 +0000 This package of AMD fglrx installed easily and works well EXCEPT…

If you are a Second Life or OpenSimulator user who wears clothing made from rigged mesh, you will not see the mesh objects. They will be invisible. You can see them if you turn “Hardware Skinning” off within the viewers (happens with all of them) which is not a suggested idea. Running without hardware skinning can lead to overheating as the CPU has to do more work to make up for the turned off GPU.

It is best to rollback to the earlier fglrx package, 14.201.1006.1002. Rigged mesh can be seen with hardware skinning active.

This is a known problem for all AMD drivers beginning with 14.9 that affected a few machines. It appears that 14.12 affects a wider number of machines on all OS platforms.

The Mesa/Gallium driver combo may work for some AMD GPUs, but not for any that are driven by the R600 opensource driver. That, too, uses a software renderer only and leads to degraded performance and increased heat.

By: Grant Izmirlian Wed, 31 Dec 2014 18:13:08 +0000 Prior to SuSe 13.1, in order to get usably smooth graphics with dual heads enabled, fglrx used to be my go to graphics driver on SuSe < 13.1 as the free suplied ATI driver was very choppy. Back about a year or more ago, every time m Xorg would update in yast, I would need to manually re-install it. This was very very easy. Just now I saw an xorg update, so I called my script,
that I wrote, "is_catalyst_installed" which checks to see if fglrx is the currently running driver. It returned my "YOU MUST REINSTALL CATALYST" message. Now I admit, the cobwebs are starting to stick at the age of (nearly) 53, and I did not remember if, since upgrading to 13.1– have I just gone with the new freeware, or was I still using catalyst. I decided, based upon my earlier knowledge of the level of quality, why not take the plunge. I followed instructions up at, took the "add repository and then install in Yast2" method, and then restarted the system. What a disaster. At least some failsafe graphics driver was working, but the screen res was wrong, (1 inch of black all the way arond) and no dual head option. I ended up (1) uninstalling the fglrx NOISE, (2) REMOVING the fglrx repository and (3) reverting (crossing my fingers at each step of the way. I'm back to smooth, beautiful smooth with dual heads at the correct screen resolution (no black around the edges).

Bottom line — if you're on SuSe 13.1 stay the hell away from fglrx. Maybe there out to be a YMMV warning somewhere. Well, consider this to be one.

By: Anonymous Fri, 26 Dec 2014 11:37:08 +0000 Hi, I’m using KDE, so will it work, if I install Gnome and LightDM?

By: Wladimir Stempniak Mesko Thu, 25 Dec 2014 04:30:41 +0000 Hi. I found the issue with Gnome + Fglrx. It’s the GDM. I’ve just installed and switched to LIGHTDM and everything is fine now. I found this clue in Sebastian’s forum. Thanks.

By: grndzro Thu, 25 Dec 2014 01:08:44 +0000 Bump

By: Wladimir S. Mesko Wed, 24 Dec 2014 22:23:40 +0000 Does it work with Gnome? Tried the script many times, always ending in a text mode screen…
