Comments on: AMD Catalyst 15.3 Beta for openSUSE – new makerpm-amd-script is available Blogs and Ramblings of the openSUSE Members Fri, 06 Mar 2020 17:50:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: snake2903 Thu, 23 Apr 2015 06:35:08 +0000 Hi, i tried both, 14.12 and 15.3 beta version on openSUSE 13.2 XFCE and did not work for me.
I have HP ProBook 4730s with Intel HD 4000 Integrated and AMD Radeon 6940M as Dedicated graphic card. I installed drivers as described in guide ( restarted in command line, blacklist radeon and etc…). After installing drivers, AMD was active and after reboot i cant’get picture, only blank screen. After switching with aticonfig to Intel card i can get into openSUSE. In AMD Catalyst i see that Intel is active card. I tried to switch from Catalyst to AMD card and same scenario…. blank screen. On openSUSE 13.1 everything worked fine. I also try gdm-fix, but didn’t work. I hope this was good bug report 🙂


By: Bruno Friedmann Fri, 17 Apr 2015 15:51:36 +0000 Any delay announced for a better real beta public?
It sounds like it would be better to have a real beta-src package to base the rpm on.

At the actual state it sound like a bit too hackish to propose a package with, no?
People willing to use the beta should/could use your script cause they know how to get out of emergency situation.

By: Alex Mon, 13 Apr 2015 20:03:50 +0000 Hi,
thanks for the script.
Only one remark: if the directory from which the script was launched contain spaces, it fails.

By: Sebastian Siebert Mon, 13 Apr 2015 08:29:03 +0000 Hi Bruno,

the hack is only a separate operation and is not included in the fglrx package because this is only a emergency workaround. This modify the fglrx driver on binary level. Of course the hack is also beta and is needed the makerpm-amd-script for the moment. I have got some feedback from users that the workaround works for them.

If AMD released the next public driver and gdm is not working yet, I try to include the workaround in the fglrx package. AMD knows about the bug.




By: Bruno Friedmann Sun, 12 Apr 2015 19:35:28 +0000 Hey Sebastian, just a question about the gdm hack and building the rpm.
Should I build them with the option or only for specific plateforms?

Build should be there in the next few days.
