Comments on: experimental openSUSE mirror via IPFS Blogs and Ramblings of the openSUSE Members Fri, 06 Mar 2020 17:50:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: bmwiedemann Wed, 05 Jun 2019 03:41:35 +0000 There are hickups now and then. One is that the ipfs daemon leaks memory and has to be restarted now and then.

The other seems to be that freshly added files are only announced to the world within the day.

The workaround for that is to run
ipfs swarm connect /ip4/

That sort of makes the DHT-based auto-discovery superfluous, but at least it works.

By: bmwiedemann Tue, 16 Apr 2019 12:30:15 +0000 I tried the native ipns publishing first, but found that resolving it, always took 60 seconds and was only cached for another minute or so.
You can try it with /ipns/

Sometimes it would not work at all.

By: Etam Tue, 16 Apr 2019 09:26:16 +0000 Ignore this. It works now.

The problem with ipfs is, if your node is not accessible from the internet, it works quite slowly.

By: Etam Fri, 05 Apr 2019 10:50:19 +0000 Yesterday the IPFS mirror repo was loading correctly, but now it’s not. It just waits forever, as if no none was serving the mirror in the IPFS network.

By: Tony Su Wed, 03 Apr 2019 23:57:15 +0000 OK, I see what’s happening. It’s not that IPFS is a P-P network but that you’re implementing a locally running proxy server to transform the network connections, and using the /ipns/ prefix to designate an ipfs name lookup.

OK, I’ll take a look at this soon! Looks interesting! I think I remember when this was first mentioned years ago in an openSUSE Technical Forums post, and there was a short discussion of its benefits and possible drawbacks at the time. Will be interested in seeing how it’s progressed.

By: Etam Wed, 03 Apr 2019 21:17:06 +0000 Actually no. IPFS is a P2P network, quite similar to torrent. The repo URI refers to your local IPFS client.

By: lidel Wed, 03 Apr 2019 18:42:22 +0000 FYSA there is IPFS Package Managers Working Group
that aims to improve IPFS experience for use cases like this

Reach out to them if you have any issues / questions / suggestions / experience reports to share – it will be really appreciated 🙂

By: Tony Su Wed, 03 Apr 2019 18:39:32 +0000 I think your repo URI shouldn’t be localhost (…

That’s something to keep in mind even when developing and testing, the localhost interface is completely different than the LAN interface which in some cases can be a drastic difference (eg configuring a website’s address). And, to be even more sure it’s a good idea to publicly deploy before even starting to write the final draft so you’re working off a final, Production configuration.

By: Etam Wed, 03 Apr 2019 16:43:49 +0000 Great! I’ll give it a try.

Suggestion: instead of putting “/ipfs/” link in DNS and updating it with script, you can put once an “/ipns/” link, that references an “/ipfs/” link and can be updated.
