Artwork – openSUSE Lizards Blogs and Ramblings of the openSUSE Members Fri, 06 Mar 2020 11:29:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Watching 360 video on openSUSE Thu, 29 Dec 2016 16:04:49 +0000 In this post, there how to watch 360 videos on the Linux platform without the need for special technical magic. To do this, just use the package QMPlay 2, A player based on QT that fulfills its function very well. In addition to being versatile and effective, bringing an incredible amount of features for you to use, including touchscreen monitor recognition to navigate the video preview.

To watch 360 video, first press PLAYBACK the main menu, then choose VIDEO FILTERS, and finally enable the SPHERICAL VIEW option to use the 360 viewing function.

For testing, I provide my 360 video on the link below for download. And to finalize at the end a demonstration video of the software running as the installation links ONE CLICK INSTALL in my openSUSE repository.

Video example for download AQUI!

Source in Brazilian Portuguese (Alessandro de Oliveira Faria A.K.A. CABELO):


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Install VAMOX Icons and change your Desktop Environment Thu, 26 Mar 2015 11:01:35 +0000 I was searching to add some awesome icons to GNOME. After a long search, I found out that VAMOX icons rock!!! I liked the 3D nature of them. They come to 3 different versions. Take a look:

1. Vamox MATE
2. Vamox Ceibo
3. Vamox Celeste

I thought why not try to put them to obs? Is it the right tool? I made a research and found some other cool icons there. So I started reading and testing. A lot of errors. Since I’m end user, I thought I’m not going to make it. I better quit. So I deleted everything. The next day, I tried 2-3 times and it worked (the actual error was the name of the unzipped file). I tried it on my computer and it worked fine. Then I added Fedora as another repository and with the help of my friend Tom Tryfonidis, I added Arch Linux. Let’s see the result.


If you like this result, go to vamox mate repository and choose your distro.


If you like this result, go to vamox ceibo repository and choose your distro.

VAMOX Celeste

If you like this result, go to vamox celeste repository and choose your distro.

NOTE: It’s tested on openSUSE (GNOME, XFCE and MATE) and on Arch (GNOME)

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openSUSE booth at Akademy, now with a video Fri, 19 Sep 2014 08:43:46 +0000 To share a bit more about this long trip but worth to made it.
You can now enjoy the video clip made during this event.

Was a real pleasure to meet so numerous openSUSE users.

Fosdem 2014 Report & Beta testing new openSUSE booth merchandising Stuff Tue, 04 Feb 2014 21:30:00 +0000 Fosdem 2014

fosdem 2014 - full

Again this year, Fosdem was really delightful, a bit crowdy as hell concerning a number of conference rooms.

But if there’s a constant, it is the awesomeness of the Fosdem staff and its armada of volunteers. Please all of you who made this event so great, receive in the name of openSUSE’s community our warmest thanks and congratulations.

I will not make a mistake if I predict a big success for the different talk’s videos, in the next following weeks.

openSUSE merchandising new collection

After a loooong wait, perceived as a century, openSUSE Booth was furbished with the next generation of merchandising stuff.

At least some part of the complete kit, which should be available in April.

The new design & branding ideas

This was the first public showing of the new posters & goodies design. The basis of the design appear first during HackWeek’10

this Geeko’s was put on pullover I’m still looking where I can grab one, so take care of yours if you own one 🙂


We got three kind of new posters, and one block-note. I would like to thanks booth’s helpers for spreading them on almost any Fosdem’s building free walls.


Discover it – Bulb A2

With elegant dark green and white symbol on big format, it won the heart’s public.
Several of them were offered.


Block-note meeting or communication papers A3

Useful on a booth to pick feedback, announce something in an fashionned way.
I hope we will have the A4 format too.

Linux for open minds A3


With its light green and zen symbols I’m sure it’s the perfect poster in an office, being not too intrusive.

It found its place on walls around the Fosdem, but on the booth A3 format reduce its attractive effect.
The second default (if it’s one) project name and logo are small, bottom placed so could escape visitor attention.

We believe – cube way A3


The "we believe" collection was always my favorite one. But I must admit the format proposed doesn’t work on booth. It lacks contrast and/or appealing colors.
If you stand at more than 1.5 meters the message (our guidelines) are almost unreadable.

Look like this one need another development iteration.


Geeko’s stickers

Appreciated and adopted by fans, and the public. The size is perfect.

We still get a number of request to have some with transparent background, which would allow them as perfect decoration for any kind of devices.

Geeko’s keyboard patch stickers

We’ve got a very limited edition of Geeko’s keyboard patch stickers. For the first time, you will have pleasure to press the meta key.
They literally create a rush on the booth, we save some to patch our demonstration computer with them.

I predict a long and successful life to this article. I hope future booth box will contain thousand of them.


Table covers

Done in synthetic material, colored with a beautiful green and proudly displaying the openSUSE logo. They are light resistant flexible.

Excellent article.

As there’s 2 models, one with big Geeko on top and the other one having openSUSE written on bottom front, they can’t be use for the same mission.
What impact would have one with the big Geeko sitting on the front with just one openSUSE? We should have some others shoot to be sure to get the best model.


Flag (alpha testing)

We also got a kind of flag, in an alpha-state, we fixed it on top of an official SUSE roll-up.

I’m still not sure how to use this one. As a stand-up like the open-mind poster, the who’s behind the message is bottom placed which
is always a bit hidden if placed on a roll-up.
As a flag, the holes are missing to use it on different kind of support.

Flyer & brochure

The cheat sheet encounter a big success, using the other side to present key related tools (obs, openqa, susestudio) allow people on booth to introduce them or talk about it.

There’s a number of commands that need to be removed from it (obsolete or deprecated way of doing things)

Flyer, even with the printing default and small shift in the bulb, find their audience.

openSUSE DVD by Open Press

We received finally 1400 DVD of the Open Press’s edition containing Live KDE / Gnome 64 bits. We spread out 1000 of them, 200 were split between Advocates for future events in Austria, Spain and Greece.

openSUSE conference cube box & penguins

Those two articles were unfortunately a failure at Fosdem booth. They are over complicated to build, and need too much material (scissors, glue) and too much time (15 minutes pro piece)

They should have been used to advertise the conference, but are not practical, once assembled they took too much place. Same on printed material, A3 is too big for any bags.

Croatian team bring a lot of them to use them locally. If we want to keep those kind of article for booth the printed result should be perforated and you should able to build the object with only your ten fingers in less than a minute.

Missing parts

I can’t be satisfied with what we received, our booth look so poor compared to what we usually present to the public.

Don’t forget those article can be sold

  • t-shirts : where are our fancy and inspiriting t-shirts?
  • usb sticks
  • Pens
  • Pins
  • hat
  • plush : so beloved
  • Old Toad bottles (*)

(*) About our Old Toad beer, I’ve explained to people that nothing is impossible if and only if the community will assume the responsibility about managing the stock, carrying the boxes, and drink or sell the minimal order in less than 6 months. We’ll see if a Old Toad Team appear soon.


Just a small remark, our two touchscreen computers (only one has accepted to come at Fosdem) start to show their age.

First part conclusion

I will conclude this article which was more oriented on the new marketing stuff. There’s still quite works to be 100% useful and successful. I will come back soon with another article with some thoughts about how openSUSE booth has worked and details we could improve in the future

Thanks for your reading, comments & feedback are open!

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A week in the Green Tail … Sat, 16 Feb 2013 10:08:48 +0000 Fosdem + Hackaton

Green Tail
As any hackaton, you finish a bit exhausted. but what the hell, how rich was this week!

I will not come back on the long (could we say impressive) list of things done.
Wiki Marketing
or Artwork todo.

A enormous thanks to all participants :
Carlos (victorck), Carlos (CarlosRibeiro), Izabel (IzabelleValverde), Kostas (warldofff), Ilias (zoumpis), Marcel (tux93), Richard (ilmehtar), Michal (|miska|).

Also they deserve a full bunch of applause, thanks to SUSE’s people!

Augustin, Jos, Will, Christopher, Adrian, Henne, Jurgen, Kenneth, Cassio, Alberto, Ralf, Roland, James, Jan, Ludwig, Cornelius, Suzanne and at least a big dozen of others…

For your clear engagement, your support to empower our community, your advises, your welcomes, and being so kind with the turbulent community’s Geekos we were…

A Time of changes, and new challenges.

The motto we choose for our next conference couldn’t be more appropriate, “Power to the Geekos”!

What does that mean? Geeko’s mean you and me, the community members, contributors, lovers.
So Geeko’s will have to empower themselves and get more and more implicated in the how, what, who, when, where we want to draw our project.

No excuses, guys & girls, if we can count on a strong partnership with SUSE our main sponsor, we will have to do our part of the job, like in any sane partnership. And this is true with any other sponsors we have already.

In a near future we will have to face some of our old daemons, and fix them, whatever they are.
Conference (osc, summit), bugzilla, release cycle and process, factory, evergreen, tumbleweed, membership, goodies & shop, mailing-list, next board election with 4 seats renewal and so on…

So if any of those subject sound like a jungle jingle in your brain, be ready to stand up to help the community to grow.

Changes will shake for sure our community, but why being afraid or keeping an “old memory’s myth” attitude?

Together we have the force to drive these changes, in a friendly way, and for the benefit of all. Do we take the risk to see some leaving? Maybe, but the world has change, and will not stop.

if we go on avoiding riding the raging bull, what could be our future?

Learning how to work, talk, and live better together will be the hardest and long time challenge we will face.
I mean, we will for sure not become a kind of “aseptic & polite model”, just how to avoid to kick too quickly the reply button and comment’s field.

Trying to understand what kind of people we’re interactive with, and make our best so they could feel good.

So what is already a work in progress :

  • – 12.3 release : make noise, spread the word, show time !
  • – board transparency : yeap, we should know more & more what work is done, who, what, when. (not the details especially for privacy)
  • – board tasks : concrete proposals from SUSE will need actions from our side to endorse the power and responsibility of doing.
  • – conference lead by community : osc13 in Thessaloniki, before being the ever cool’est place where to be in July need attention and effort from all of us. (Subscribing the opensuse-conference mailing list is a way to learn about progress, and stand-up for helping)
  • – community in charge

One word to conclude


One word to close this brain dump : champignon!

[Mushroom photo credits goes to pictuo galery]

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A New Font Repository Mon, 21 May 2012 07:11:35 +0000 what do you need when you write some text? Content, of course. Apart from your content you need an additional part to make it a shiny contribution: fonts! If you don’t know already: we have now a new repository dedicated just to fonts.

With the invaluable work and effort from Petr Gajdos, Takashi Iwai, and all the creative designers, we now have more than 100 open source fonts in the M17N:fonts repository. Most fonts are licensed under the OFL or other open/free licenses. Thanks a lot to all! This repository contains fonts like the previously mentioned Exo typeface, the famous Linux Libertine, or fonts from the Google Webfonts page to name a few. With all these fonts available at your hand, you have many choices to make your text readable and attractive as you like, be it on the Web or in print.

Previous to openSUSE 12.1, all the fonts had a terrible naming convention: some contained a “fonts” prefix, other don’t. Now all fonts follow a naming convention to make it easy to find. So don’t be surprised when your font package has been renamed. If you need further information, check out my original idea from FATE#313035. Packagers will probably find the article about Packaging Fonts in the openSUSE Wiki helpful.

The new M17N:fonts repository collects all fonts now and in the future. New fonts will appear and developed there. To use it, add the repository to your list:

zypper ar

Currently, the supported distributions are openSUSE 11.4, 12.1, Evergreen 11.1, 11.2, Factory, Tumbleweed, as well as SLE11 SP1 and SP2.

Have fun and be creative with the new fonts! 🙂

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The Exo Typeface Family Thu, 08 Dec 2011 08:39:09 +0000 Some week ago, I’ve stumbled upon a very promising font project. It’s called the Exo Typeface Family and I think this could be a valuable addition to our distribution:

The sans serif font is beautifully crafted and contains 9(!) different width as you can see in the following graphic:

Natanael, the graphic designer, wrote about his font:

Today Exo is already a very mature font family, with over 700 characters supporting most Western, Central and Eastern European languages – and it can still go further! This coverage has been reached for all 9 weights, the maximum possible on the web. Each weight has an upright style and the corresponding ‘true’ italic style. Many ‘techno’ fonts have only the simple slanted oblique companion styles, but for the highest typographic quality it is essential to have true italics that are drawn specially.

Some unique OpenType features:

If this project reaches its funding goal it will be published in Google Web Fonts under the SIL Open Font License. Currently, almost 80% is pledged, but only 18 days are left. If you find this project useful, please help Natanael and make the Web a more beautiful place. I already did so. Thanks!

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New Style for YaST2 Mon, 24 Oct 2011 08:11:57 +0000 YaST2 got a lot of improvements which will be available in openSUSE 12.1. YaST doesn’t accidentally overwrite configuration files anymore (last bug fixed 😉 ) and snapper provides a rollback function for configuration options, just to mention a few. Therefore it’s time to give YaST2 a new and fresh style. As YaST Qt supports Stylesheets it’s simple to influence YaST’s style.

Screenshot of YaST's New Style

FACTORY contains the new style already. Packages for older releases are also available in my build service project:

I hope you like it. You can use YaST’s Stylesheet Editor to play around the the stylesheet as described in my this blog post. Please send me improvements you want to share. Thanks.

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Geeko says: Hey dude, that’s my car! Sun, 09 Oct 2011 15:20:35 +0000 Geeko in its new car

Geeko : I love riding

Imagine it!

A few months ago, I’ve started to look for my next car. Then a crazy idea emerged, why not a Geeko’s car?

Find it!

At that time Gilbert my mechanic [www] told me that Ford will get a new Fiesta model called Sport+ with a more powerful engine, a new look & feel. I went to the exhibition and made a short test drive. The car was cool. The exhibit model was in blue with 2 white stripes.

Blue? Green would have been cool isn’t it?

Fiesta Sport+ with original stripes

Draw it!

Several weeks have past (Gnome3 launch, DesktopSummit, OSC11 preparation), but the idea stayed in my mind. Good news, the model exist in white with blue stripes too.

After finding a collada model compatible with Blender and pattern for printers coming from (Ford_231 for reference) I started imagine how I can transform it. Playing with demo pictures gimp, blender and inkscape, my project started to look as I wanted : green it will be!

Order it!

End of August the things became more serious, the old one was on good shape, the price and primes for the new one were all interesting and inside my budget, let’s order it!
Unfortunately, the delay to get the car and the design done before OSC11 was too short. At least let’s get the car nude white.

No need to say that we enjoyed the journey to Nuremberg with the new car. Okay back home I let the car for two days with the instructions to print it.

Gosh the result totally blew my mind!

The Geeko's fiesta front

A cool Geeko Green Car

We use the original Ford design for the stripes

Anybody should see where we are located on internet!

The url is made with the same dark gray used for the bumper down part

Free Future, my moto on connect.

Geeko(tm) on windows

Enjoy it!

Happy ambassador & proud member

Now who want to help me to find some events & funds to go there and show it!

Drive carefully, Have fun!

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openSUSE-LXDE logo contest starting now! Fri, 19 Aug 2011 07:54:38 +0000 As recently announced here, the LXDE team is looking for graphics contributors. Trying to involve as much people as possible i created a graphic contest! Is time for you, cool graphics, to create a logo for the openSUSE-LXDE team!

The contest will start tomorrow, everyone is welcome to join!

All the rules are in our wiki!

So? what are you waiting for???

Is just the right time to

Have a lot of fun…

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