openSUSE 11.2 – openSUSE Lizards Blogs and Ramblings of the openSUSE Members Fri, 06 Mar 2020 11:29:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Announcing the release of openSUSE Edu Li-f-e 12.2.2 Wed, 06 Feb 2013 09:05:34 +0000 Li-f-e just got better. This update follows the release of openSUSE Edu Li-f-e 12.2 way back in September 2012,  is made up of same packages but includes the updates available from official openSUSE and all the additional repositories such as Build Service Education, Packman etc.

Get it from here:Direct Download | Torrents | Metalinks | md5sum

Have a lot of fun…
Your openSUSE Education Team

Testing LTSP on openSUSE 12.2 Thu, 23 Aug 2012 08:04:25 +0000 With openSUSE 12.2 almost here, we have been working hard to get LTSP experience on this release better than ever. Thanks to the power of KIWI and some great scripting by Alex Savin, KIWI-LTSP has a lot of new features and improvements.

Here is how to get started:

* Install openSUSE 12.2 (preferably 32bit version)

* Install all the required packages via this 1-click install (about 200MB download)

* Configure network by following this guide

* Once the network is configured, open terminal and run this as root user (run “su -” to become root user)

kiwi-ltsp -c

The above command will configure all the required services like dhcpd, tftp for pxeboot, nfs/aoe/nbd servers for root, now you can boot up any PC/laptop/thin client using PXE(network booting) connected to the server. The clients would be able to use all the softwares installed on the server without their hard disk modified. The server would require about 256MB RAM per client, and ideally minimum 512MB RAM on the client, disable IO/CPU intensive or plain annoying services  like tracker, apper/PackageKit, nepomuk, strigi etc. for best performance.

New features:

Although the default prebuilt image connects to the server and all the processes are run on the server, with more powerful clients some of the load can be run client side by the use of ltsp-localapps. IceWM, firefox(with all the plugins that are installed on the server if the server is 32bit) and xterm are part of the default image, if you want something more  like VOIP clients: ekiga/twinkle for example you can clone the default image and customize it as per your requirements.

kiwi-ltsp --list-profiles    #Show list of available images profiles
kiwi-ltsp --clone  suse-12.2 new_profile  #Clone existing profile

You can then edit kiwi’s image description in /srv/kiwi-profiles/new_profile/img/config.xml or /etc/sysconfig/kiwi-ltsp LTSP_LOCALAPPS=”ekiga mypackage” to add required packages in the image. You can also use local i686 DVD iso as installation source by adding suse_1220_INSTALL_SOURCE=/path/to/iso there.

kiwi-ltsp -l will build the clicfs image that will be used to boot up clients, kiwi-ltsp -c will add the profile to the PXE boot menu also.

To customize the image manually you can chroot into the image:
kiwi-ltsp --chroot new_profile do your modifications and run kiwi-ltsp -l2 new_profile to build compressed image from your modified tree. Check out kiwi-ltsp -h to see all that this utility can do.

Complete desktop environments like GNOME/KDE can be installed in the image to be served over the network to more powerful clients(1-2GB RAM on the client), using LTSP_FATCLIENT=True in /srv/tftpboot/KIWI/root.default/etc/lts.conf will allow the whole session to run on local client hardware, hard disk is not used of course, so normal booting will get to whatever is installed on the disk.

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New Style for YaST2 Mon, 24 Oct 2011 08:11:57 +0000 YaST2 got a lot of improvements which will be available in openSUSE 12.1. YaST doesn’t accidentally overwrite configuration files anymore (last bug fixed 😉 ) and snapper provides a rollback function for configuration options, just to mention a few. Therefore it’s time to give YaST2 a new and fresh style. As YaST Qt supports Stylesheets it’s simple to influence YaST’s style.

Screenshot of YaST's New Style

FACTORY contains the new style already. Packages for older releases are also available in my build service project:

I hope you like it. You can use YaST’s Stylesheet Editor to play around the the stylesheet as described in my this blog post. Please send me improvements you want to share. Thanks.

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Improved Kernel Package Retention in 12.1 Thu, 14 Jul 2011 13:38:14 +0000 A long awaited feature of the openSUSE update stack is finally here!
Since some time, it has been possible to tell libzypp to not delete old
kernels on update:

multiversion = provides:multiversion(kernel)

in /etc/zypp/zypp.conf. That way, you don’t have to worry that a
brand new -rc kernel from Factory makes your system unbootable. This however
solves one problem and brings another one – you have to manually delete the
old kernel so that your /boot partition does not fill up. openSUSE 12.1 will
provide a solution to this, you will be able to tell what kernels you want to
keep after an update, other kernels will be deleted. The configuration is the
same file, /etc/zypp/zypp.conf:

## Comma separated list of kernel packages to keep installed in parallel, if the
## above multiversion variable is set. Packages can be specified as
## - Exact version to keep
## latest        - Keep kernel with the highest version number
## latest-N      - Keep kernel with the Nth highest version number
## running       - Keep the running kernel
## oldest        - Keep kernel with the lowest version number (the GA kernel)
## oldest+N      - Keep kernel with the Nth lowest version number
## Default: Do not delete any kernels if multiversion = provides:multiversion(kernel) is set
multiversion.kernels = latest,running

If you configure this and the above multiversion variable, then after each
kernel update, during a subsequent reboot, a script will compare the list of
installed kernels with the multiversion.kernels setting and delete those that
are no longer needed. Examples:

  • Keep the latest kernel and the running one if it differs. This is similar to
    no enabling the multiversion feature at all, except that the old kernel is
    removed after reboot and not immediatelly after installation. BTW, you
    probably always want to include “running”:

    multiversion.kernels = latest,running
  • Keep last two kernels and the running one:
    multiversion.kernels = latest,latest-1,running
  • Keep the latest kernel, the running and a my test kernel with a fancy

    multiversion.kernels = latest,running,3.0.rc7-test

If you want to try it, it’s all in Factory already. Check if these packages are
recent enough and uncomment the two variables in zypp.conf:

$ rpm -q --changelog kernel-desktop mkinitrd libzypp | grep -B2 312018
* Fri Jun 17 2011
- rpm/ Touch /boot/do_purge_kernels on package install
- Add purge-kernels script to automatically delete old kernel packages
  on boot, based on configuration in /etc/zypp/zypp.conf, variable
  multiversion_kernels (fate#312018).
* Tue Jun 21 2011
- Add configuration template for automatic kernel
  purge (feature#312018) to zypp.conf
$ grep ^multiversion /etc/zypp/zypp.conf
multiversion = provides:multiversion(kernel)
multiversion.kernels = latest,running

Happy updating!

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ATI/AMD fglrx 8.861 Catalyst 11.6 available for openSUSE 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, Factory Fri, 17 Jun 2011 14:38:36 +0000 New version of catalyst 11.6 / fglrx 8.861 available


Please refer to my previous article where all the installation procedure is explained.

  • Quick résumé :
  • There’s no full changelog about them, but Catalyst 11.6 installer (pdf)
  • Get the cheat-sheet 11.6 version
  • Kernel supported up to 3.0x version
  • Should be the latest version supporting 11.2
  • Wrong (to my point of view) create an xorg.conf file which is unneeded if you work with /etc/xorg.conf.d/50-device.conf and have driver "fglrx&quot inside


Some instabilities could happen. In case of crash like no keyboard, mouse, and blackscreen on reboot. Try to shutdown properly your computer with the shutdown poweroff button (or remote ssh). On reboot, just add 3 at the end of grub line to restart in console mode.
Then with yast or zypper you can always remove the actual version and try the previous version available in the repos.

All credits to Sebastian Siebert (freespacer) : 11.6 article (German)

What about tumbleweed, factory?

Users have reported that version 8.861 of catalyst 11.6 compile correctly under Tumbleweed with 2.6.39 kernel and the driver is ready for kernel 3.0x, so until xorg change too much and then AMD support for the new version, installing the 11.4 version should work

For factory, I’ve build a repository (see previous article) that can be used, and fglrx build.
The new package are called SUSE121 & no more SUSEFACTORY.

Stats Numbers ?

Month Unique IP Number of visits Pages Hits Bandwidth
Jan 2011 2355 6411 19688 35263 16.63 GB
Feb 2011 2906 7719 26383 41142 22.37 GB
Mar 2011 8055 21157 228494 258613 59.13 GB
Apr 2011 10592 29129 418281 437416 76.87 GB
May 2011 12511 36816 608350 626901 104.91 GB

All proudly served by openSUSE powered server! zypper dup from 11.2 to 11.4 in 45minutes last month

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ATI/AMD fglrx 8.850 Catalyst 11.5 available for openSUSE 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, Factory Sat, 14 May 2011 16:03:09 +0000 New version of catalyst 11.5 / fglrx 8.850 available

Please refer to my previous article where all the installation procedure is explained.

At least after a wrong 11.4 version, and a first buggy 11.5 catalyst version, the new one is finally build and ready to install from the repo. Like for 11.3 I’ve clean up all previous version which are not xpic, so everybody can easily know which drivers he has to install.
I’ve resigned all rpm with my key. And the tests made show them working.


Some instabilities have been reported. In case of crash like no keyboard, mouse, and blackscreen on reboot. Try to shutdown properly your computer with the shutdown poweroff button. On reboot, just add 3 at the end of grub line to restart in console mode.
Then with yast or zypper you can always try the previous version.

All credits to Sebastian Siebert (freespacer) : 11.5 article

What about tumbleweed, factory?

Users have reported that version 8.850 of catalyst 11.5 compile correctly under Tumbleweed with 2.6.38 kernel and the driver is ready for kernel 2.6.39, so until xorg change too much and then AMD support for the new version, installing the 11.4 version should work

For factory, I’ve build a repository (see previous article) that can be used, and fglrx build

Numbers ?

Month Unique IP Number of visits Pages Hits Bandwidth
Jan 2011 2355 6411 19688 35263 16.63 GB
Feb 2011 2906 7719 26383 41142 22.37 GB
Mar 2011 8055 21157 228494 258613 59.13 GB
Apr 2011 10592 29129 418281 437416 76.87 GB

All served by openSUSE powered server!

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ATI/AMD fglrx 8.831 Catalyst 11.3 available for openSUSE 11.2, 11.3, 11.4 Sun, 03 Apr 2011 17:26:39 +0000 New version of catalyst 11.3 / fglrx 8.831 available

Please refer to my previous article where all the installation procedure is explained.

I’ve clean up all previous version which are not xpic, so everybody can easily know which drivers he has to install.

All credits to Sebastian Siebert (freespacer) : 11.3 article

What about tumbleweed, factory?

Users have reported that version 8.831 of catalyst 11.3 compile correctly under Tumbleweed with 2.6.38 kernel, so until xorg change too much, installing the 11.4 version should work

For factory, I’ve build a repository (see previous article) that can be used, and fglrx build

Numbers ?

Month Unique IP Number of visits Pages Hits Bandwidth
Jan 2011 2355 6411 19688 35263 16.63 GB
Feb 2011 2906 7719 26383 41142 22.37 GB
Mar 2011 8055 21157 228494 258613 59.13 GB

All served by openSUSE powered server!

ATI/AMD fglrx 8.821 Catalyst 11.2 available for openSUSE 11.2, 11.3, 11.4 Sat, 19 Feb 2011 20:30:14 +0000 Updated : April 4th 2011

Preambule : free software


I would notice everybody which will install these software : you will install proprietary softwares on your computer. Nobody will be able to debug them, nor help you to resolve what can be happen. That must be said !

The free future

The real future is already in place : it’s called radeon (or free-radeon), it’s fully integrated in kernel & xorg. Actually ( for openSUSE 11.4, or openSUSE 11.3 with kernel-stable + X11 obs repo ). Support for many chipset is in real progress even for the 6xxx series.
Give it a try before using the proprietary software, report any bugs you find with it. Only your contributions can help and will make a real differences. Thanks for doing that !

Unofficial but working repository

I offer for those of you that for any reasons can’t use successfully the free-radeon drivers a repository where you will find the latest fglrx/catalyst drivers following the packaging policy made avalaible by AMD.
Thanks to Sebastian Siebert ( check his blog ) to work in coordination with ati/amd and follow the catalyst packaging. His work allow us to have that driver available for openSUSE.

The quick how-to

Adding the repository

For openSUSE Factory
zypper ar -c -f -n "ATI/AMD fglrx non-official" "ATI/AMD FGLRX"
For openSUSE 11.4
zypper ar -c -f -n "ATI/AMD fglrx non-official" "ATI/AMD FGLRX"
For openSUSE 11.3
zypper ar -c -f -n "ATI/AMD fglrx non-official" "ATI/AMD FGLRX"
For openSUSE 11.2
zypper ar -c -f -n "ATI/AMD fglrx non-official" "ATI/AMD FGLRX"

Installing the driver

Nota previous version

Due to change in ati/amd way of life, it’s recommanded to completely remove any version of fglrx previously installed with a zypper rm

I can only recommand to also (as root)

# Remove old conf & stuff
rm -fr /etc/ati
# Remove any old fglrx inside kernel modules
find /lib/modules -type f -iname "fglrx.ko" -exec rm -fv {} \;
New installation

Once the repo has been added, you will certainly have to reboot to get ride off free radeon module. At boot on the grub line add
nomodeset blacklist=radeon 3
Don’t panic you will be land to a console, open it with root account to install fglrx.
Search the software you want for example under openSUSE 11.4

zypper se -s fglrx
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S | Name                  | Type    | Version | Arch   | Repository
i | fglrx64_xpic_SUSE114  | package | 8.831-1 | x86_64 | ATI/AMD fglrx non-official  
  | fglrx64_xpic_SUSE114  | package | 8.821-1 | x86_64 | ATI/AMD fglrx non-official  
  | fglrx_xpic_SUSE114    | package | 8.831-1 | i586   | ATI/AMD fglrx non-official
  | fglrx_xpic_SUSE114    | package | 8.821-1 | i586   | ATI/AMD fglrx non-official

Starting with 8.821 (Catalyst 11.2) ATI use now xpic (full explanation)
So use that one. I’ve removed all non xpic drivers the 2 April 2011.

For a 64bits version
zypper in fglrx64_xpic_SUSE114
For a 32bits version
zypper in fglrx_xpic_SUSE114

During the installation process, all the dependencies will be added, which mostly are needed to build the kernel modules. Expect around 200MB to dowload.

Then the installer will build the module for your installed kernel.
And if there’s a kernel update, the script will automagically detect that, and will rebuild the module for the new kernel installed. (So if you find that your workstation is slow on reboot just press the esc key to see the details … )

Preparing xorg to use fglrx

Once the module is build and installed, you should have a file fglrx.conf or 50-fglrx.conf in /etc/modprobe.d

cat /etc/modprobe.d/50-fglrx.conf
blacklist radeon

Next ati recommend to use ati –initial-config but that break the auto-detect stack of xorg. So I recommend changing one line in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-device.conf
just change driver line to driver “fglrx”
All the rest of the setup (double screen etc) will be made lately with the ati catalyst control center (command is amdcccle).
For those of you which want to have an xorg.conf file just have a look at aticonfig –help command.

Start X

If you are inside the console we start to use before just run “init 5” to start xorg, and normally you will find your normal xorg login screen (kdm, gdm, ldm, xdm).
Hit ctrl+alt+f1 to return to the console and type exit or logout or ctrl+d to close it.
then ctrl+alt+f7 to return to the xorg session.


ati/amd catalyst are release on a month basis, but this vary from 3 weeks to 8 weeks.

  • Catalyst 11.2 – fglx 8.821 : 14 February 2011


Sebastian Siebert blog ( German ) with nice howto and problem resolution.
My previous post on the subject

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Workshop at Party Quijote Tue, 13 Jul 2010 19:19:49 +0000 Last weekend I went to Party Quijote, which is probably the biggest LAN party of Castile (Spain). It was organized by the regional government (Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha), local universities (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Universidad de Alcalá de Henares) and other institutions (Centro de excelencia de software libre de Castilla-La Mancha, Fundación Insula Barataria, Ayuntamiento de Azuqueca de Henares). Some of its sponsors were Cisco, Telefónica, Iberdrola and Caja Castilla-La Mancha. This year Party Quijote took place in the city of Azuqueca de Henares, which is very close to Guadalajara and Madrid. For more information, take a look at Party Quijote’s website

Anyways, I thought it was a great opportunity to promote openSUSE and KDE  in my region, so I organized a workshop: Crea tu propio Live CD (build your own Live CD). Yes, it was a LAN party but there were also Linux-related talks and workshops.

I started by giving an introduction to SUSE Studio, talked a little bit about kiwi and the Build Service, sent the invitations and then the workshop began.I chose to use the KDE template as an example since I am more familiar with it. All the participants (or most of them) already knew KDE but some didn’t know NetworkManager. In fact I had to explain the main functions of NetworkManager. I was also asked questions such as “is it going to be possible to upgrade my image to 11.3?” and I  had to explain the concept of package repository as well. Most of them (if not all) knew that 11.3 was about to be released, however, they had never heard about SUSE Studio or kiwi before. Others had difficulties understanding English, so I take this opportunity to make a call for translating SUSE Studio into other languages such as Spanish 😉
One of the features they really liked was the Java-based virtual machine which allowed them to test the image without having to download it.
At the end of the workshop, I gave them my email address so they can send me questions and receive some guidance as well.
I think I accomplished my mission 🙂

Thanks to the organizers of Party Quijote who made this possible!

Slides: livecd.odp

And here’s some pics of Party Quijote:

openSUSE 11.2 and OBS at Universidad Latina Mon, 05 Jul 2010 19:09:31 +0000 Universidad Latina, Facultad de Ingeniería. “LibreSoft”. July 1st., 2010 from 6:00 p.m. To 10:30 p.m. (- 5 EST) several FOSS individual representatives held a meeting on 3rd floor of the main building, gave some talks about FOSS, software developments, open source, licensing, sharing code, community contributions, and applications to the general public, Telecommunications and Industrial Engineering students, professors, dean and lawyers. OpenSUSE Ambassador, Ricardo Chung, shared the space with Diego Tejera (Ubuntu LoCo Team), Alejandro Perez ( Fedora Ambassador ), Abdel Martinez ( Fedora Campus Ambassador), Adrien Scott ( and others. Ricardo gave a talk about openSUSE 11.2 features and some sneak preview features on openSUSE 11.3 (, the openSUSE Build Service 2.0 ( as software development and colaboration platform useful for any Linux distribution, SUSE Studio to customize our distribution on different enviroments, and KIWI to make an operating system image available on physical media ( ). Ricardo also, answer some questions about openSUSE community and local users group, installation, as well as some questions about Novell and Microsoft alliances were clarified. After the talk an openSUSE and Novell trivia was given and the winners got some openSUSE 11.2 CDs with Gnome Desktop by default.

Make a click on to watch some photos
