Forums – openSUSE Lizards Blogs and Ramblings of the openSUSE Members Fri, 06 Mar 2020 11:29:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Żegnamy i witamy Sun, 31 Mar 2019 14:10:14 +0000 Witajcie,

10 września 2004 roku cyberluk wysłał do mnie i do Mirona taką wiadomość:


Od początku istnienia Forum uważnie obserwujemy użytkowników i ich wypowiedzi. Wczoraj padła propozycja, żeby zaoferować dwom osobom moderowanie Forum. Dzisiaj po dyskusji na ten temat ustaliliśmy, że faktycznie te osoby dostana status moderatora, oczywiście o ile się na to zgodzą. Jedna z tych osób jest Pan. Czy pasuje Panu status moderatora?
Drugiej osoby na razie nie ujawniamy. Dostanie takiego samego maila.
Oczywiście cala załoga będzie nadal patrzeć, co się dzieje z Forum, ale praca jest pracą i czasami nie ma czasu na zajmowanie sie Forum.
Liczymy na pozytywna odpowiedz. Na razie jest to status moderatora Forum, ale zaczęliśmy się również zastanawiać nad FAQiem, który byłby zbiorem problemów z Forum “w pigułce”. Oczywiście status moderatora wiązałby się z odpowiednimi uprawnieniami przy takim FAQu.


Oczywiście pod domeną już wcześniej był dostępny skrypt phpBB. Jednak to połowa 2004 roku spowodowała, że Forum otworzyło się na zwykłych użytkowników. To właśnie zwykli użytkownicy zdominowali Forum, tworzyli jego kontent, zarządzali nim i warto to podkreślić. Początkowo Novell Professional Services, a ostatecznie SUSE Polska, udostępniało nam, polskiej społeczności, zasoby i przestrzeń, z których z pożytkiem dla każdego z nas korzystaliśmy.

W ten sposób przez piętnaście lat zwykli użytkownicy, power userzy, a także ludzie zawodowo związani z branżą IT dzielili się między sobą doświadczeniem na Oficjalnym Polskim Forum SUSE Linux. Czas je pożegnać.

Obecnie przestrzenią dla nas będzie Będąc bliżej Projektu openSUSE, będzie nam łatwiej włączyć się w różnego rodzaju aktywności i koordynować je. Natomiast zwykli użytkownicy zyskają dostęp do znacznie większej społeczności.

Polska sekcja jest widoczna jako subforum pod adresem lub bezpośrednio

W przypadku problemów z rejestracją, proszę o kontakt:

Poradnik przetrwania:

Dostęp do będzie ograniczany, a samo Forum wkrótce zamknięte.

Love & bruises,
Przemysław “Stefan” Bojczuk

Unknown Horizons, a nice strategy game, now on openSUSE Mon, 09 May 2011 21:48:00 +0000 A few days ago I was wandering on the openSUSE Forums, once more in the games section when I saw one more post from one of our users asking for Unknown Horizons… I’ve search a bit and found 2 entries on OBS (openSUSE Build Service), one for Fedora packages and another for openSUSE packages.

I’ve joined #unknown-horizons on FreeNode and found out that Unknown Horizons is very active and people are very nice. I’ve made a few questions around and offered myself to package this nice game for openSUSE (home:ketheriel:UnknownHorizons). Some of the dependencies are provided by the games repository, to which I want to submit the major releases, and if possible enable builds for Fedora (and friends).

A few packages need some tweaks to enable builds for Fedora (allegro, libenet, guichan), and I’m working already on that. Meanwhile for everyone who wants to check out the latest development snapshot of Unknown Horizons, feel free to do so… Currently packaged for:

* openSUSE 11.3
* openSUSE 11.4
* openSUSE Factory
* openSUSE Tumbleweed

The 1-Click installer can be found on Unknown Horizons download page.  There’s also a nice article (bumping ego) about the new openSUSE packages on Unknown Horizons webpage!

This is a title that all openSUSE users who like RTS games should try (supports openGL and sdl) and is powered by the FIFE Engine.

Unknown Horizons - Settings Menu - openSUSE 11.4 GNOME3

Russian openSUSE community Tue, 30 Mar 2010 11:27:11 +0000 Hello everybody,

I want to share some ideas about the success of the Russian openSUSE community, and try to answer the question about its popularity. As you can see it is one of the top places:

The reason for the high popularity of this distribution in Germany is of course the fact that the German SuSE distribution and the main branch of development is located in Nuremberg. Popularity in the U.S. is due Novell – an American company, and of course the language is English. But why are so many people in Russia choosing openSUSE?

Good question. One of the main things that influence the choice of distribution – the quality and localization. The global community plays a top role for quality of distribution and local make it appropriate for Russian language users (of course a local community can be as part of a global community).

Perhaps most important is the documentation. And of course, not everyone wants (or can) read the documentation in English. Everyone wants to read the documentation in their native language. The distribution may be in a good shape and stable, nice and convenient, but without documentation it will use very few. Translated documentation is very important to the community. The translation must have a high quality, understandable, and as it must be kept up to date.

For the community its also profitable that 2 guys from the community working for Novell (in Nuremberg and in Prague). This provides better communication between “developers – community”. It helps to be closer to the project. This allows you to always be aware of all the major news of the project. And of course the translation is much better if they are engaged not just as a translator, but the employee who works on the distribution.

Of course this also applys for software. Although it is not as important as documentation, it still makes an impression on the quality of distribution. Everyone wants to work with the software in their native language %)

A successful community is a group of people who love openSUSE, who understands why the software should be free, who wants to make openSUSE better and better… every day.

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openSUSE Forums – Tighter Integration with the openSUSE Board Thu, 11 Feb 2010 15:53:50 +0000 After a review by the openSUSE board and some significant changes in the administration, the openSUSE forums is well placed to provide sterling support to it’s users. The openSUSE forums team can be seen here: Forum Team
A general drawing together of all the openSUSE community (including the forums), will mean better communication over all the areas, this should translate in to improved support for the users. The forum now has language specific areas: Forum
And a Wiki area too. This will compliment the enormous work being done in the Wiki to improve user support. Both have their compliment of Forum specific Moderators. Here at openSUSE forum we really go the extra mile to help you.
A big thank you goes out to the openSUSE board for their help over recent months. All here in the forum look forward to working along with the rest of the community.
