ATIX – openSUSE Lizards Blogs and Ramblings of the openSUSE Members Fri, 06 Mar 2020 11:29:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 ATI/AMD fglrx 8.950 Catalyst 12.2 rpm available for openSUSE 11.3, 11.4, 12.1 Thu, 08 Mar 2012 21:27:13 +0000 Those informations are obsolete now : please consult

AMD/ATI Catalyst 12.2 / fglrx 8.950 rpm are available

News, the build -3 now should build perfectly with kernel 3.2+ & 3.3, Thanks to Sebastian for the patch

Quick Résumé about 12.2

AMD rename their installer, So Sebastian did the same for his script.

I will just copy/google translate/paste here the comment made by Sebastian Siebert on his blog :


AMD has released some time later the driver. The only reason was the fact that AMD has jumped over the version 8.94 because of possible driver issues with some graphics cards. I’ve also updated the packaging script because AMD had unfortunately not include my changes in their AMD installer. (Remember? No time? Who knows … Especially since AMD closed mailing list was down.) It affects even the init script. There has been specified for the start of the script in run level 3 and also the XDM (X window manager) provided what IMHO makes no sense. On the other hand, the power mode script (ati kicked out for good. Since the driver already supports the suspend mode and does not require a helper script anymore.
Driver support now AMD Radeon HD 7950, HD 7970, HD 7990

See more at Sebastian’s blog. Don’t be shy, you can leave there the result of test in english too 😀
or ask in forums, irc and ping freespacer.
See below what to do in case of troubles.

The rpms version 8.950 are available from Thursday March 8th.


My advise is to firstly remove any existing version with zypper rm, then just zypper in the new version,
even if 8.930 was the first version I’ve seen able to upgrade correctly.
The 8.950 leave a file that need to be manually removed /etc/ati/amdpcsdb.

As usual, I let the previous versions in the repository, just in case you need it.

Tested on a fresh 12.1 + updates and kde 4.8.1

Factory rpms are not presently available, I’ve not been yet able to successfully build the package (remember the merge of /bin /sbin with /usr/bin /usr/sbin? :-()
Anyways, factory and 12.2 should keep their effort on debuging and testing widely the free radeon driver.


As nobody killed me about the one-click-installer, I upgrade its status to final stable (feedback are always welcome)
For 32bits system :
AMD/ATI fglrx one click installer
For 64bits system :
AMD/ATI fglrx one click installer
(*) To know which kind of system you have, open a console, then run uname -a and look the output if you see x86_64 on the line you are running a 64bits, otherwise a 32bits.

Installation, Caution, Troubles


Please refer to my previous article where all the installation procedure are explained.

For a first installation, if you don’t remove radeon from the initrd, you will get in trouble. Don’t thanks who removed that from the wiki. 🙁


  • Wrong (to my point of view) create an xorg.conf file which is unneeded if you work with /etc/xorg.conf.d/50-device.conf and have driver “fglrx” inside
  • AMD CCLE didn’t get correctly upgraded if xorg is running during the upgrade. My advise, let’s go to console and as root do the following :
    init 3
    rcatievenstd stop
    zypper ref
    zypper up
    init 6

    Let the package rebuild the kernel driver. And for me I always remove the newly xorg.conf file created.
    reboot is mandatory!
    upgrading from 8.930 to 8.950 the file /etc/ati/amdpcsdb could be erased it will be recreate on next reboot

fglrx 12.2 with flash benchmark

Debuging troubles

I recommend in case of trouble the use of his script which can collect the whole informations needed to help you. then you just have to issue a simple commande in console to collect all informations, you can review them, and finally transmit them

su -c 'sh -ur'
The sytem report 'amd-report.txt' was generated.                                                                                                                    [ OK ]
Do you want to read the system report 'amd-report.txt' now? yes/no [y/n]: y
Are you sure to upload the above-named system report to yes/no [y/n]: y

The report was uploaded to
   The link is:

Copy paste the link in the comment zone of Sebatian post


December 2011 as shown a big bump on the server : 50,212 unique visitor for a roughly 320GB traffic for the rpm

1582GB has been distributed during 2011.


Month Unique visitors Number of visits Pages Hits Bandwidth
Jan 2012 57,955 133,903 3,463,860 3,502,972 372.10 GB
Feb 2012 65,806 149,590 4,008,869 4,040,043 366.37 GB
Mar 2012 21,256 44,496 1,202,629 1,210,049 65.72 GB
Total 145,017 327,989 8,675,358 8,753,064 804.20 GB

That’s all folks! Have fun!

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