Marketing – openSUSE Lizards Blogs and Ramblings of the openSUSE Members Fri, 06 Mar 2020 11:29:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Fosdem 2014 Report & Beta testing new openSUSE booth merchandising Stuff Tue, 04 Feb 2014 21:30:00 +0000 Fosdem 2014

fosdem 2014 - full

Again this year, Fosdem was really delightful, a bit crowdy as hell concerning a number of conference rooms.

But if there’s a constant, it is the awesomeness of the Fosdem staff and its armada of volunteers. Please all of you who made this event so great, receive in the name of openSUSE’s community our warmest thanks and congratulations.

I will not make a mistake if I predict a big success for the different talk’s videos, in the next following weeks.

openSUSE merchandising new collection

After a loooong wait, perceived as a century, openSUSE Booth was furbished with the next generation of merchandising stuff.

At least some part of the complete kit, which should be available in April.

The new design & branding ideas

This was the first public showing of the new posters & goodies design. The basis of the design appear first during HackWeek’10

this Geeko’s was put on pullover I’m still looking where I can grab one, so take care of yours if you own one 🙂


We got three kind of new posters, and one block-note. I would like to thanks booth’s helpers for spreading them on almost any Fosdem’s building free walls.


Discover it – Bulb A2

With elegant dark green and white symbol on big format, it won the heart’s public.
Several of them were offered.


Block-note meeting or communication papers A3

Useful on a booth to pick feedback, announce something in an fashionned way.
I hope we will have the A4 format too.

Linux for open minds A3


With its light green and zen symbols I’m sure it’s the perfect poster in an office, being not too intrusive.

It found its place on walls around the Fosdem, but on the booth A3 format reduce its attractive effect.
The second default (if it’s one) project name and logo are small, bottom placed so could escape visitor attention.

We believe – cube way A3


The "we believe" collection was always my favorite one. But I must admit the format proposed doesn’t work on booth. It lacks contrast and/or appealing colors.
If you stand at more than 1.5 meters the message (our guidelines) are almost unreadable.

Look like this one need another development iteration.


Geeko’s stickers

Appreciated and adopted by fans, and the public. The size is perfect.

We still get a number of request to have some with transparent background, which would allow them as perfect decoration for any kind of devices.

Geeko’s keyboard patch stickers

We’ve got a very limited edition of Geeko’s keyboard patch stickers. For the first time, you will have pleasure to press the meta key.
They literally create a rush on the booth, we save some to patch our demonstration computer with them.

I predict a long and successful life to this article. I hope future booth box will contain thousand of them.


Table covers

Done in synthetic material, colored with a beautiful green and proudly displaying the openSUSE logo. They are light resistant flexible.

Excellent article.

As there’s 2 models, one with big Geeko on top and the other one having openSUSE written on bottom front, they can’t be use for the same mission.
What impact would have one with the big Geeko sitting on the front with just one openSUSE? We should have some others shoot to be sure to get the best model.


Flag (alpha testing)

We also got a kind of flag, in an alpha-state, we fixed it on top of an official SUSE roll-up.

I’m still not sure how to use this one. As a stand-up like the open-mind poster, the who’s behind the message is bottom placed which
is always a bit hidden if placed on a roll-up.
As a flag, the holes are missing to use it on different kind of support.

Flyer & brochure

The cheat sheet encounter a big success, using the other side to present key related tools (obs, openqa, susestudio) allow people on booth to introduce them or talk about it.

There’s a number of commands that need to be removed from it (obsolete or deprecated way of doing things)

Flyer, even with the printing default and small shift in the bulb, find their audience.

openSUSE DVD by Open Press

We received finally 1400 DVD of the Open Press’s edition containing Live KDE / Gnome 64 bits. We spread out 1000 of them, 200 were split between Advocates for future events in Austria, Spain and Greece.

openSUSE conference cube box & penguins

Those two articles were unfortunately a failure at Fosdem booth. They are over complicated to build, and need too much material (scissors, glue) and too much time (15 minutes pro piece)

They should have been used to advertise the conference, but are not practical, once assembled they took too much place. Same on printed material, A3 is too big for any bags.

Croatian team bring a lot of them to use them locally. If we want to keep those kind of article for booth the printed result should be perforated and you should able to build the object with only your ten fingers in less than a minute.

Missing parts

I can’t be satisfied with what we received, our booth look so poor compared to what we usually present to the public.

Don’t forget those article can be sold

  • t-shirts : where are our fancy and inspiriting t-shirts?
  • usb sticks
  • Pens
  • Pins
  • hat
  • plush : so beloved
  • Old Toad bottles (*)

(*) About our Old Toad beer, I’ve explained to people that nothing is impossible if and only if the community will assume the responsibility about managing the stock, carrying the boxes, and drink or sell the minimal order in less than 6 months. We’ll see if a Old Toad Team appear soon.


Just a small remark, our two touchscreen computers (only one has accepted to come at Fosdem) start to show their age.

First part conclusion

I will conclude this article which was more oriented on the new marketing stuff. There’s still quite works to be 100% useful and successful. I will come back soon with another article with some thoughts about how openSUSE booth has worked and details we could improve in the future

Thanks for your reading, comments & feedback are open!

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openSUSE in Education, Spreading Continue Thu, 17 May 2012 02:14:59 +0000 What do you feel as an open source developer, user, or enthusiast if you see this beautiful piece of software is used by hundred of schools and thousand of students? Great isn’t it? And that’s what happened here in a small dot on this earth in Yogyakarta Indonesia.

This program was initiated by the Government of Indonesia with the objective to introduce the open source and e-learning method to student and teacher. So three years ago I was contacted to help them to realize their dream, and here I’m now reporting that there are around 7300 openSUSE installation in 350 elementary and junior-high schools. We also use SLES in servers to provide repositories and e-learning materials in SCORM using Moodle.  This is work in progress. We educate teachers to use openSUSE and also creating learning material so it is always in beta stage I think 😀

I want to say thank you to all the good people, my friends and co-workers, they are unknown in openSUSE community, even many of them are not subscribing the mailing list, but they are the true openSUSE ambassadors in Indonesia. They come to schools and persuade the teachers to use openSUSE. Without them this dream will never come true. Picture below show some of them smiling holding the openSUSE 12.1 promo DVD that AJ sent to me. You all great! Also picture of teachers while following our session about openSUSE.

All the good people

















Teachers train using openSUSE

















Finally we welcome everyone in openSUSE community if you want to visit Indonesia don’t forget to pay a visit to one of this schools in Yogyakarta and you will see how student are happy using it 😀

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Fosscomm 2011 in Patras – Greece Mon, 25 Apr 2011 11:38:16 +0000

Fosscomm 2011

The event will take place in Patras this year. For those of you who don’t know, fosscomm is one of the major foss event in Greece.

I’ll go there and will make a presentation :
Amazing openSUSE : we, you, together a promizing future!

I hope to see all of you there! Come and meet the growing openSUSE Greek community, and most of the Greek ambassadors.

Follow them on Twitter. The official hashtag of FOSSCOMM 2011 is: #fosscomm2011

Official Patras city website

PS: The websites is also available in english 🙂


Title :

Amazing openSUSE
We, you, together a promising future !

Talk Audience

general public, which would like to contribute in FOSS

No special IT knowledge is required.


openSUSE project is open: there’s a place for everybody!

Come and (re)discover one of the oldest Linux distribution and one of the most youngest community.

This talk is about the community powering the whole actual openSUSE Project :

We will overfly openSUSE’s history, and the actual projects like open-build-service, susestudio, tumbleweed, evergreen, connect, openqa, and the near future a word about the openSUSE Foundation.

Follow us deeper inside with examples how collaboration works between contributors, users, across the borders with others distributions and upstream projects.

Want to be part of? Let’s talk about the “right” place for you!


Geeko Comes to Schools Sun, 17 Oct 2010 13:28:02 +0000 Yogyakarta is one of the tourism destination in Indonesia. The unique Javanise tradition blend with some acculturation from outside culture. Recently I was asked by the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology and Office of Education, Youth and Sport of Yogyakarta to help them to prepare the computer lab for elementary and junior high school in Yogyakarta Province – Indonesia.

Well, this is the tough job. I work with some expert, teacher and education strategist to prepare the e-learning system. We should prepare learning/teaching material in digital format, train the teacher to use authoring tools and operating system, and prepare the schools to be ready to receive the PC’s. This government initiative will involve 500 schools in 3 years. Every school that involve in this program will receive 21 PCs.

We select openSUSE Li-f-e as the operating system in every pc. The selection is not because I’m an openSUSE member but we come to the conclusion that openSUSE Li-f-e is the most complete and well prepare distribution for education (well, I convince other expert, some of them are Ph.D, he..he…). This year there are 110 schools involve in this program, this means another new 2310 openSUSE installation and more than 4000 new users if we assume that every PC will be used by 2 students.

Not only give PC to schools we also should connect the schools to the provincial data center. This is really challenging task, some areas of this province is covered by hundred of hills with karst topography and with no terestrial internet connection. Many of the schools is in that area. The road ahead still far away and difficult, but see the face of the children who really enthusiast with the openSUSE make me really happy.

There are more picture on my picasaweb

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openSUSE 11.2 and OBS at Universidad Latina Mon, 05 Jul 2010 19:09:31 +0000 Universidad Latina, Facultad de Ingeniería. “LibreSoft”. July 1st., 2010 from 6:00 p.m. To 10:30 p.m. (- 5 EST) several FOSS individual representatives held a meeting on 3rd floor of the main building, gave some talks about FOSS, software developments, open source, licensing, sharing code, community contributions, and applications to the general public, Telecommunications and Industrial Engineering students, professors, dean and lawyers. OpenSUSE Ambassador, Ricardo Chung, shared the space with Diego Tejera (Ubuntu LoCo Team), Alejandro Perez ( Fedora Ambassador ), Abdel Martinez ( Fedora Campus Ambassador), Adrien Scott ( and others. Ricardo gave a talk about openSUSE 11.2 features and some sneak preview features on openSUSE 11.3 (, the openSUSE Build Service 2.0 ( as software development and colaboration platform useful for any Linux distribution, SUSE Studio to customize our distribution on different enviroments, and KIWI to make an operating system image available on physical media ( ). Ricardo also, answer some questions about openSUSE community and local users group, installation, as well as some questions about Novell and Microsoft alliances were clarified. After the talk an openSUSE and Novell trivia was given and the winners got some openSUSE 11.2 CDs with Gnome Desktop by default.

Make a click on to watch some photos

Whitepaper: Weekly News Survey published Sun, 23 Aug 2009 18:36:01 +0000 Hi Mates,

i’ve just announce my Whitepaper. This is an Collection from Comments of our Survey. The Whitepaper shows us what are Work in Progress and what planned in future.
Visible in:
