Promo – openSUSE Lizards Blogs and Ramblings of the openSUSE Members Fri, 06 Mar 2020 11:29:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 openSUSE Training at State Ministry for Youth Affairs and Sports Mon, 09 Jun 2008 10:13:30 +0000 Training1

Last week, me and 2 Indonesian openSUSE members : Bonnie Kurniawan & M Herry Nurdin holds a training session at Grha Pemuda & Olah Raga (Youth Fellow & Sports Building), State Ministry for Youth Affairs and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia, Senayan, Jakarta.

Training focused on openSUSE server function and administration, with an overview about openSUSE 11.0 features and capability. There are totals 20 audiences on first and second day, and 40 audiences on third day, came from sub dept of State Ministry for Youth Affairs and Sports and they will administer openSUSE server on their office. Most of the audiences are newbie for Linux but they have no problem with openSUSE administration. They looks a quite bit worried when we got an introduction about Command Line Interface, but after a few minutes, they’re enjoy the training.

Training taking full 3 days to complete, started on June 07 2008 until June 09, 2008. I gave a presentation and practical guide for openSUSE installation (hey, it’s pretty nice to show off openSUSE installation process. It needs a few step only, with yes, no and next 😉 ), domain controller and active directory with samba, Apache Web Server and Virtual Host and an introduction about YAST usability.


I have a small discussion about Indonesian openSUSE community with Edy Purwanto, IT administrator for State Ministry for Youth Affairs and Sports office, and he promised to helped us setting up and provide openSUSE mirror by using dedicated server and dedicated internet access in his office. Well, it’s a good news for upcoming openSUSE 11.0 release on June 19, 2008. We will set up this server for ISO image and repository download services.


We also distributed openSUSE 11.0 RC1 free CD and DVD plus a set of tutorial for the audiences and told them to contact us if they have any problem with openSUSE implementation at their office units.
