ZNC – openSUSE Lizards https://lizards.opensuse.org Blogs and Ramblings of the openSUSE Members Fri, 06 Mar 2020 11:29:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Compile ZNC (IRC Bouncer) on Raspberry Pi https://lizards.opensuse.org/2015/03/26/compile-znc-irc-bouncer-on-raspberry-pi/ Thu, 26 Mar 2015 10:44:18 +0000 http://lizards.opensuse.org/?p=11303 There are many IRC Bouncers . My favourite one is ZNC. ZNC installation on server is a simple thing (zypper in znc). But what if you don’t have a server (avoid all the costs)? The best solution is a Raspberry Pi (it doesn’t matter if it’s B, B+, 2). It’s small, no power consumption, can easily setup as home small server. The only thing that it might disturb you, is the lights.

First of all, check out how you can install openSUSE on Raspberry Pi.

Now, you have to compile ZNC. There’s no package in the repositories. If developers read this, please please make an ARM package. Please!!!

First of all, you have to install the following packages (that’s what I did):

zypper in gcc-c++ gcc git libopenssl-devel make

Now, let’s download the last release (you can find the whole procedure at official page)

wget http://znc.in/releases/znc-latest.tar.gz

Then untar the file:

tar -xzvf znc*.*gz

Then you have to do some steps that usually do when you compile:

cd znc*

and run the command


Next command will take a lot of time to finish


When it’s over, run the final command:

make install

You’re ready to use it. Now login as user and run the command:

znc –makeconf

If you have an older configuration, you can use it (run only the command znc).
