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Bee Keeping: Catch a Swarm

June 6th, 2011 by

Quite off topic, but for those of you who are interested in bee keeping as I am I for once like to share a video that we were able to create on a sunny sunday morning recently:

It shows the activity of catching a bee swarm that has been going out of the bee hive before. Swarming is natural behaviour of bees for reproduction. In early summer the bees create a new queen and as it is emerging, the old queen is swarming out of the hive looking for a new home. One form of the old and meaningful circle of reproduction.

A bee swarm is a very impressive event, the clip might give you an impression. And as our seven year old son was brave enough to take this movie, I thought it is worth sharing. Bee keeping is a family virus 🙂

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2 Responses to “Bee Keeping: Catch a Swarm”

  1. W. MacKenzie

    I did this very thing last summer on a hive of mine. I was out cutting the grass at the farm where I keep the hives. We (brother ) heard a buzzing sound even with the lawn mower and I thought it was a helicopter in the distance it was so loud. After shutting the mower off, we looked up and saw cloud of bees. We followed them to the woods at the back of the house and sure enough they lit at the top of an apple tree. We came back that evening and I climbed the tree, cut the limb off they were on and brought it down and shook them into a new brood box.

    Fun times for sure!

  2. Fri13

    It is very interesting what really is happening in Bee and Ant hives. They are not like what is always (usually…) told.

    There are usually many queens, old one what keeps the order but then there are rebels what hides the young queens in hope they could switch the power to it from the old one.

    And for ants, about 40% does vice versa things what 60% does. Like if hive is going to extend it size and dig more space, 40% of ants moves already removed stuff back to hive or to place where it does not belong and blocks the ways.

    1-2 years there was a great study of bee and ant hives and it really were lighting strike that hives are like humans rebelling and fighting each other majority trying to keep order.

    So it is not about assassin kings, but queens 😀