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Micro openSUSE Leap 15.1 for AWS

February 16th, 2020 by

I make the minimalist version of openSUSE available on AWS. In addition to multipurpose, complete stable and easy to use. It is intended for users, developers, administrators, and any professional who wants openSUSE resources on the server. It’s great for beginners, experienced users and ultra geeks, in short, it’s perfect for everyone! Suggestions at cabelo@opensuse.org, More information here: https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/B083XBP51G


Here are the main advantages:

Resources openSUSE Leap 15.1 Micro openSUSE 15.1
Disk space 1,5G 686M
Used memory 70M 55M
Packages 576 236

Disadvantage: It does not have YAST!

Official RPM package : OWASP ZAP

January 6th, 2017 by

The world is going through a security crisis, so I make the official packages available in openSUSE, SUSE Enterprise, CentOS, Fedora e RedHat.

Thank you, Mauro Risonho de Paula Assumção e Simon Bennetts.

Link for download: https://software.opensuse.org/download.html?project=home%3Acabelo&package=owasp-zap

Watching 360 video on openSUSE

December 29th, 2016 by

In this post, there how to watch 360 videos on the Linux platform without the need for special technical magic. To do this, just use the package QMPlay 2, A player based on QT that fulfills its function very well. In addition to being versatile and effective, bringing an incredible amount of features for you to use, including touchscreen monitor recognition to navigate the video preview.

To watch 360 video, first press PLAYBACK the main menu, then choose VIDEO FILTERS, and finally enable the SPHERICAL VIEW option to use the 360 viewing function.

For testing, I provide my 360 video on the link below for download. And to finalize at the end a demonstration video of the software running as the installation links ONE CLICK INSTALL in my openSUSE repository.

Video example for download AQUI!

Source in Brazilian Portuguese (Alessandro de Oliveira Faria A.K.A. CABELO): https://assuntonerd.com.br/2016/12/29/assistindo-video-360-no-linux/


Atualizando o Edison Intel no openSUSE

October 3rd, 2016 by

Neste post, disponibilizo os passos efetuados para atualizar o firmware do meu Intel Edison na plataforma openSUSE.

ATENÇÃO: Antes de iniciar deixo claro , que o leitor deste post é responsável por qualquer problema que venha a acontecer com o seu aparelho, logo: sendo de sua inteira responsabilidade e risco a utilização das instruções a seguir.

Primeiramente instale o pacote

# zypper addrepo http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:cabelo:desktop/openSUSE_Leap_42.1/home:cabelo:desktop.repo
# zypper refresh
# zypper install dfu-util

Faça o Download da ultima versão do firmware em https://software.intel.com/pt-br/iot/hardware/edison/downloads

Posicione a chave SW1 próxima ao conector micro USB de acordo com a figura abaixo e plugue os 2 cabos USB:


E logo a seguir descompacte o arquivo recém baixado e execute o comando ./flashall.sh


Se executar o comando sudo screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200, teremos a seguinte saida no console:

Starting Reboot…

WR: 20104000

SCU IPC: 0x800000d0 0xfffce92c

PSH miaHOB version: TNG.B0.VVBD.0000000c

microkernel built 23:15:13 Apr 24 2014

******* PSH loader *******
PCM page cache size = 192 KB
Cache Constraint = 0 Pages
Arming IPC driver ..
Adding page store pool ..
PagestoreAddr(IMR Start Address) = 0x04899000
pageStoreSize(IMR Size) = 0x00080000

*** Ready to receive application ***

U-Boot 2014.04 (Aug 20 2014 – 16:08:32)

Watchdog enabled
DRAM: 980.6 MiB
MMC: tangier_sdhci: 0
In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
Partitioning already done…
Flashing already done…
GADGET DRIVER: usb_dnl_dfu
DFU complete CRC32: 0x3756edb6
Ctrl+C to exit …
DFU complete CRC32: 0x3756edb6
Ctrl+C to exit …
DFU complete CRC32: 0x6ad212b0
Ctrl+C to exit …
DFU complete CRC32: 0xe511e42b
Ctrl+C to exit …
DFU complete CRC32: 0xe511e42b
Ctrl+C to exit …
resetting …

WR: 20104000
SCU IPC: 0x800000d0 0xfffce92c
PSH miaHOB version: TNG.B0.VVBD.0000000c
microkernel built 11:24:08 Feb 5 2015

******* PSH loader *******
PCM page cache size = 192 KB
Cache Constraint = 0 Pages
Arming IPC driver ..
Adding page store pool ..
PagestoreAddr(IMR Start Address) = 0x04899000
pageStoreSize(IMR Size) = 0x00080000

*** Ready to receive application ***
U-Boot 2014.04 (Jun 19 2015 – 12:05:55)
Watchdog enabled
DRAM: 980.6 MiB
MMC: tangier_sdhci: 0
In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
Writing to redundant MMC(0)… done
Writing to MMC(0)… done
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
Partitioning using GPT
Writing GPT: success!
Saving Environment to MMC…
Writing to redundant MMC(0)… done
Flashing already done…
GADGET DRIVER: usb_dnl_dfu
DFU complete CRC32: 0xb98db2f8
Ctrl+C to exit …
pageStoreSize(IMR Size) = 0x00080000

*** Ready to receive application ***
U-Boot 2014.04 (Jun 19 2015 – 12:05:55)
Watchdog enabled
DRAM: 980.6 MiB
MMC: tangier_sdhci: 0
In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
Writing to redundant MMC(0)… done
Writing to MMC(0)… done
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
Partitioning using GPT
Writing GPT: success!
Saving Environment to MMC…
Writing to redundant MMC(0)… done
Flashing already done…
GADGET DRIVER: usb_dnl_dfu
DFU complete CRC32: 0xb98db2f8
Ctrl+C to exit …
pageStoreSize(IMR Size) = 0x00080000

*** Ready to receive application ***

U-Boot 2014.04 (Jun 19 2015 – 12:05:55)

Watchdog enabled
DRAM: 980.6 MiB
MMC: tangier_sdhci: 0
In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
Writing to redundant MMC(0)… done
Writing to MMC(0)… done
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
Partitioning using GPT
Writing GPT: success!
Saving Environment to MMC…
Writing to redundant MMC(0)… done
Flashing already done…
GADGET DRIVER: usb_dnl_dfu
DFU complete CRC32: 0xb98db2f8
Ctrl+C to exit …

******* PSH loader *******
PCM page cache size = 192 KB
Cache Constraint = 0 Pages
Arming IPC driver ..
Adding page store pool ..
PagestoreAddr(IMR Start Address) = 0x04899000
pageStoreSize(IMR Size) = 0x00080000

*** Ready to receive application ***
U-Boot 2014.04 (Jun 19 2015 – 12:05:55)
Watchdog enabled
DRAM: 980.6 MiB
MMC: tangier_sdhci: 0
In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
Writing to redundant MMC(0)… done
Writing to MMC(0)… done
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
Partitioning using GPT
Writing GPT: success!
Saving Environment to MMC…
Writing to redundant MMC(0)… done
Flashing already done…
GADGET DRIVER: usb_dnl_dfu
DFU complete CRC32: 0xb98db2f8
Ctrl+C to exit …

Se tudo funcionou corretamente, teremos a seguinte tela:


AR.Drone with openCV in the openSUSE 11.4

September 10th, 2011 by

After publishing an article in the openSUSE Wiki (in portuguese sorry) about AR.Drone, I am developing an application to control it using the library opencv computer vision to Processing and using your camera in the operating system openSUSE 11.4. The source code soon in The Open Build Service (OBS), For now, watch the video below of the image HERE.

openSUSE in ETEC of Bebedouro/Brazil.

March 1st, 2011 by

The ETEC of Bebedouro, brilliantly is teaching his students about free software. In the name of the openSUSE community, I thank the area coordinator Mr. Wagner Vieira, Teachers Augusto Aguiar Campos and Rodrigo. Read more…

LiMobile – Linux SDK for Mobile’s APPLE.

November 7th, 2010 by

LiMobile is a Linux distribution (based on openSUSE and created in fantastic SUSE Studio) designed for developing applications for the iPhone and iPad without using Xcode compiler, the system and MacOSX MacBook notebook.

See video below.

Cheat Cube openSUSE

October 26th, 2010 by

The formidable Carlos Ribeiro, researching tools and marketing resources used within the free software found one that deserves mention, the Cheat Cube project fedora. From this model fedora using inkscape and drew a cube version for openSUSE. Congratulations Carlos Jedi.

Posture of a Jedi.

August 25th, 2010 by

In the proprietary world, the stronger is the dark side. All Jedi  of the Order (openSUSE, Fedora, Ubuntu, Slackware and others) should always carry with them a tool to combat the dark side of the  force. My lightsaber was created with the command:

$ dd if=/path/to/iso/openSUSE-11.2-KDE4-LiveCD-i686.iso of=/dev/sdb  bs=4M;sync

My Wallpaper and Banner with gecko jedi.

August 25th, 2010 by

Below my wallpaper and banner with Master Gecko Jedi… Use the force, Read the source!