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Posts Tagged ‘obs’

openSUSE OBS git mirror

September 13th, 2019 by

There was some discussion about our OBS and how in contrast Gentoo, VoidLinux or Fedora used git to track packages.

So I made an experimental openSUSE:Factory git mirror to see how well it goes and how using it feels.
The repo currently needs around 1GB but will slowly grow over time. I did not want to spend effort to import all history.

Binary files are replaced by cryptographically secure symlinks into IPFS
and I am currently providing files up to 9MB there.

If you can not run ipfs, you can still get these files through any of the public gateways like this:
curl https://ipfs.io$(readlink packages/a/aubio/aubio-0.4.9.tar.bz2) > OUTPUT

So some benefits are already obvious.
It is now much easier to find and download our patches.
Downloading and seaching all of openSUSE is now much faster.
And it works even on Thursdays (when our maintenance window often causes OBS downtimes).

It is meant to be a read-only mirror, so there is no point in opening pull-requests on github.

I hope, you enjoy it and have a lot of fun…

targitter project – about OBS, tars and git

October 5th, 2015 by

In OBS we use source tarballs everywhere to build rpms (and debs) from.

This has at least two major downsides:

  1. Storing all old tar files takes up a lot of disk space
  2. OBS workflows with .tar files and patches are rather different and somewhat disconnected from the git workflows we usually use everywhere else these days. E.g. for the SUSE OpenStack Cloud team we have a “trackupstream” jenkins job, that pulls the latest git version into a tarball once every day.

Fedora already keeps their metadata in git, but only a hash of the tarball.

So as one first step, I used two rather different projects to see how different the space usage would be. On the slow side I used 20 gtk2 tarballs from the last 5 years and on the fast side, I used 31 openstack-nova tarballs from Cloud:OpenStack:Master project from the last 5 months.
I used scripts that uncompressed each tarball, added it to a git repo and used git gc to trigger git’s compression.

Here are the resulting cumulative size graphs:

gtk2 size graph
nova size graph

The raw numbers after 20 tarballs: for nova the ratio is 89772:7344 = 12.2 and for gtk2 the ratio is 296836:53076 = 5.6

What do you think: would it be worth the effort to use more git in our OBS workflows?

Do we care about being able to reproduce the original tarballs? While this is possible, it has some challenges in differing file-ordering, timestamps, file-ownerships and compression levels.
Or would it be enough if OBS converted a tarball into a signed commit (so it cannot be forged without people being able to notice)?

Do you know of a tool that can uncompress tarballs in a way that allows to track the content as single files, and allows to later re-create the original verbatim tarball, such that upstream signatures would still match?

Install VAMOX Icons and change your Desktop Environment

March 26th, 2015 by

I was searching to add some awesome icons to GNOME. After a long search, I found out that VAMOX icons rock!!! I liked the 3D nature of them. They come to 3 different versions. Take a look:

1. Vamox MATE
2. Vamox Ceibo
3. Vamox Celeste

I thought why not try to put them to obs? Is it the right tool? I made a research and found some other cool icons there. So I started reading and testing. A lot of errors. Since I’m end user, I thought I’m not going to make it. I better quit. So I deleted everything. The next day, I tried 2-3 times and it worked (the actual error was the name of the unzipped file). I tried it on my computer and it worked fine. Then I added Fedora as another repository and with the help of my friend Tom Tryfonidis, I added Arch Linux. Let’s see the result.


If you like this result, go to vamox mate repository and choose your distro.


If you like this result, go to vamox ceibo repository and choose your distro.

VAMOX Celeste

If you like this result, go to vamox celeste repository and choose your distro.

NOTE: It’s tested on openSUSE (GNOME, XFCE and MATE) and on Arch (GNOME)

Code quality and Code guidelines

February 19th, 2014 by

Today I like to take you precious time to talk about thing that get so less attention in open source world. I like to talk little bit about QA and Coding guidelines.
Many reader who are in companies that take care of themselves or are involved some major open source or free software project like KDE, GNOME or Linux kernel knows that they/we have Coding guidelines. KDE have it here and Kernel have it here. So they have them and whats the big deal? (more…)

openSUSE and GCC part 10: Distributing to other distributions than openSUSE with OBS

January 7th, 2014 by

Last time I talked about OBS and how to compile your application that you have developed with GCC. OBS is much more than just a tool for compiling openSUSE additional packages. You can also compile Debian, Ubuntu, Arch and Fedora (and couple more) but why on earth you want to do that? Short answer: because you can! Little bit longer answer: because you can and freedom is two way road. You can’t guess what Linux distribution or OS your user wants to use but you can make sure that you application is first class citizen in that Linux distribution. (more…)

openSUSE and GCC part 9: Open Build Service why should I use it?

December 11th, 2013 by

Imagine yourself in place where: you have succeeded to create best open source project ever appeared in face of earth. Your project has most fabulous source management system ever imagined (mostly coded by you) and you release tar balls often with plenty new neat features. You have managed that your project users provide some binary builds for Windows, Mac OS X and some bunch of Linux distributions. So your ride is smooth and pleasant (Mr. Maslow just waves to you from bottom of pyramid). Then black clouds arise and some Linux build manager who is doing binary builds for spefic important Linux distribution just vanishes upon the earth or you notice it would be nice to support more wide range of distributions than you allready have. Then you should consider using Open Build Service or openSUSE version of it known as OBS. (more…)

bareos an interesting replacement to bacula

June 2nd, 2013 by

Bareos logo
Dear community, I would like to present and get your feedback about a new project called bareos [1]

I discovered it 6 months ago, after starting to be more and more annoyed by the way the bacula’s community edition was driven and developed. Even if I was using it since version 1.32 … First of all, I wish to be clear and shout out my respect to all the work done by Kern on Bacula or any other contributor. We have a really nice working software. We even have a nice build packages for it on OBS.
But it’s stalled …

My personal frustration started with the creation of Bacula Enterprise, which has until now never (from what I’ve seen) reversed an Enterprise feature back to the community. Which in my sense would have been a clear statement & commitment from the Bacula Enterprise to the community.
A Free Software is free once it has been paid once. And more the time pass, more the community edition look like abandoned (windows client binary, bweb, …) Okay I can understand the enterprise’s edition arguments, the point is not there according to me.

So at the end of last year, I’ve started looking what else could replace Bacula for my own usage, and the small/medium customers I serve. Digging on github (my favorite source forge) I discovered bareos project. Basically Bareos is a fork of bacula community edition. With active contribution, and look like what I was looking for. Bareos is a compatible (at the time of writing) drop’in replacement which offers a bunch of nice feature I was waiting for. Especially high quality windows clients. The whole being cooked on a private obs instances, tested with jenkins, travis …

Okay I was disappointed about the fact it was a fork, but their website explains the why for those who wish to know.

I’ve then started to use it (easy to try with the number of supported platforms) and ready to use package. (Thanks to open build service [2]) Some installations were kept in a compatible way, other in native bareos way. The transition was really easy for anybody knowing how bacula works. After 3 months of production, including full restore, virtual machine backup, etc, I qualified it to be really production ready. Hey the base code and the way patches have been handled certainly explain those results. I also appreciate the effort to make bareos almost ready to use after installation. Trying to reduce the entry level ticket.

The remaining concerns I’ve found:
– The community behind will have to grow and success in a truly transparent way.
– Get new contributors (challenge is the same for bacula, but forking and propose request merge on github is really more cool than email patches)
– The full remake of the documentation (work in progress)
– Get a perfect web bconsole
My best hope:
– Make sustainable, the business plan associated with bareos.com and thus continue to produce quality community software

So did some of you already test it?
What’s your own feedback, your thoughts about it?

[1] http://www.bareos.org
[2] http://openbuildservice.org

openSUSE 11.2 and OBS at Universidad Latina

July 5th, 2010 by

Universidad Latina, Facultad de Ingeniería. “LibreSoft”. July 1st., 2010 from 6:00 p.m. To 10:30 p.m. (- 5 EST) several FOSS individual representatives held a meeting on 3rd floor of the main building, gave some talks about FOSS, software developments, open source, licensing, sharing code, community contributions, and applications to the general public, Telecommunications and Industrial Engineering students, professors, dean and lawyers. OpenSUSE Ambassador, Ricardo Chung, shared the space with Diego Tejera (Ubuntu LoCo Team), Alejandro Perez ( Fedora Ambassador ), Abdel Martinez ( Fedora Campus Ambassador), Adrien Scott ( www.fosdev.com) and others. Ricardo gave a talk about openSUSE 11.2 features and some sneak preview features on openSUSE 11.3 ( http://en.opensuse.org/Product_highlights_11.3), the openSUSE Build Service 2.0 ( http://en.opensuse.org/Build_Service) as software development and colaboration platform useful for any Linux distribution, SUSE Studio to customize our distribution on different enviroments, and KIWI to make an operating system image available on physical media ( http://en.opensuse.org/Kiwi ). Ricardo also, answer some questions about openSUSE community and local users group, installation, as well as some questions about Novell and Microsoft alliances were clarified. After the talk an openSUSE and Novell trivia was given and the winners got some openSUSE 11.2 CDs with Gnome Desktop by default.

Make a click on http://picasaweb.google.com/RICARDO.A.CHUNG/OpenSUSEAtLibreSoft# to watch some photos

New/updated Apps @ home:saigkill

April 4th, 2009 by

The following changes was in my home:saigkill Repo:

dumb 0.9.3 (Dynamic Universal Music Bibiotheque)               NEW submitrequest to games:/
kqlives 20080202 (Zelda like RPG)                                                  NEW submitrequest to games:/

kde4-kblogger 1.0svn948858 (Blogging Client for KDE4)       NEW

New/Updated Software

February 10th, 2009 by

Hello Mates,

now following new/updated and published Software:

* Repo: openSUSE:Factory:Contrib:

* Repo: KDE/KDE4/Community

* Repo: home:saigkill