Yippee Yeah Another Proprietary AMD/ATI Catalyst fglrx 13.11 BETA v9.4 (13.25.18-2) rpm are released for any openSUSE version

Welcome in paradise II … 🙂
A fresh new version of the FGLRX driver has been released by AMD, and thus packaged and available for all of you.
Next month, AMD promise to release a stable version.
This release concern only owners of radeon HD5xxx or above. All owner of HD2xx and HD4xx are really encouraged to use the free radeon driver (which received a lot of improvement in 3.11)
There’s 13 and thirteen 🙂 When I speak about 13.1 it’s openSUSE version, 13.11 is FGLRX version, don’t get confused! Oh and 3.11 is the kernel version 🙂
This is experimental & BETA software, it could fix issues you encountered (FGLRX not working for openSUSE 13.1),
But good reports have been collected around (people having used Sebastian’s script directly)
I would like to thanks again Sebastian Siebert for his effort to kept FGLRX in a good shape for all of us.
Beta Repository
To make things clear about the status of the drivers, it will not be published under the normal stable repository http://geeko.ioda.net/mirror/amd-fglrx.
I’ve created some times ago a beta repository located at http://geeko.ioda.net/mirror/amd-fglrx-beta.
The FGLRX 13.11 beta6 and beta 9.4 rpm are released for any openSUSE version from 11.4(Evergreen) to latest 13.1 + Tumbleweed
Also the signer of package have change and use now the generic builder gpg key at Ioda-Net. (gpg key id 65BE584C)
Installing the new repository
Admitting you’ve the normal repository named FGLRX, (use zypper lr -d to find the number or name you give it). You have to start by disabling it
so you could fallback to it quickly when new stable version will be published. Open a root console or add sudo at your convenience and issue the following command:
zypper mr -dR FGLRX
To add another repository in the same console as root issue the following command which will install normally the right repository for your distribution
zypper ar -n FGLRX-BETA -cgf http://geeko.ioda.net/mirror/amd-fglrx-beta/openSUSE_`lsb-release -r | awk '{print $2}'` FGLRX-BETA
If you are using Tumbleweed use this one
zypper ar -n FGLRX-BETA -cgf http://geeko.ioda.net/mirror/amd-fglrx-beta/openSUSE_Tumbleweed FGLRX-BETA
Now the update/upgrade process
zypper dup -r FGLRX-BETA
Let the system upgrade the package, and try to enjoy the new beta.