This is an openSUSE 12.1 KDE3 LiveDVD from the KDE:KDE3 repository maintainer.
It continues the KDE3 series published by me for previous openSUSE releases, 11.3 and 11.4
Unlike other similar LiveCDs, this build includes extended set of software, not only from official openSUSE 12.1 repository, but also from KDE:KDE3 repo.

The image includes openSUSE-specific presets and an auto-updater applet which allows to keep your installation up-to-date.
Since the final KDE3 release KDE3 in openSUSE repository undergone several changes.
The most visible fixes include the appearance of the “classic” style of the taskbar (the button of the active window now appears pushed, something that was broke in the last KDE3 release); the selection of the icons on the desktop now resembles the style used in the file manager with rounded corners. The LiveDVD ships with openSUSE artwork and exclusive openSUSE-style window decorations.
Direct download link:
Appliance link in Suse Studio:
The appliance is capable of being cloned so to create derivatives.