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Trying to bring Russian community together

March 6th, 2009 by

Tomorrow(07.03.09) we have scheduled meeting of Russian community.

Meeting will take place at 19:00 (GMT+3 (MSK)) on
#opensuse.ru channel (Freenode)

We are going to:

*Discuss some terms. And choose which translation of which term are more appropriate for translation.

*Fill up the glossary.

*Cleanup ru.opensuse.org wiki .

*Choose candidates for “Spokesperson program” from Russia.

*Discuss what’s wrong with wiki. Why peoples creating another suse portals. (like open-suse.ru, suseclub.ru,suseclub2.ru)

*Discuss what we can do to involve more users in community life.

I’m glad to see all interested Russian users on #opensuse.ru channel tomorrow.

Status russian mirrors

February 19th, 2009 by

Some times ago Russian and Ukrainian users noticed strange connection drops from Yandex. I can’t solve this problem, because I’m not Yandex employee.

Russian mirrors problems are mostly solved by introducing new mirror (Thanks to Yuri xnu!! Tsarev). This mirror have all openSUSE related stuff, 100 Mbit connection, 1Tb storage drive. After testing period now we can see that mirror is ready for main workload. So we adjust priorities and if you are try to access download.opensuse.org from Russian IP you should be redirected to this new mirror.

Due problems with foreign bandwidth we can’t serve Ukrainian users with Peter Poeml help we switch they directly to German mirrors.

If you have problems with Russian mirror accessing via download.opensuse.org please contact me directly. I’ll try to solve this

zypper best feature

October 6th, 2008 by

Im impressed how many users don’t know new zypper features.

Users asks for ability to cache downloaded package with tracked dependencies. Somebody recommends use smart, somebody setup squid between ISP and home pc.

None of that methods are valid anymore.
Now zypper have caching feature. Ok, let me explain how to enable it.

First of all we need to determine for which repo we want to enable caching.

k0da@laptop:~> zypper sl
# | Alias                 | Name                  | Enabled | Refresh
1 | debug                 | debug                 | Yes     | No
2 | repo-non-oss          | openSUSE-11.0-Non-Oss | Yes     | No
3 | home:Eri_zaq          | home:Eri_zaq          | Yes     | Yes
4 | openSUSE-11.0-Updates | Updates for 11.0      | Yes     | Yes
5 | OBS                   | OBS                   | Yes     | Yes
6 | Packman               | Packman               | Yes     | Yes
7 | repo-oss              | openSUSE-11.0-Oss     | Yes     | No

In this example output we can get repo # or its name.

Now we are ready to enable cache

sudo zypper mr -k <repo name>| #

Thats all. Now install some packages from repo.

All cached packages now stored in cache dir (described in /etc/zypp/zypp.conf).

By default it stored in /var/cache/zypp

Next really wanted feature we are waiting for is resume download package, if internet connection lost 😉

openSUSE weekly news now in Russian

October 5th, 2008 by


We are working on more openSUSE content availability to Russian users. Now we are ready to start openSUSE weekly news translation (check this wiki page). Last issue are available here
Now Im working on issue 41
issue 41 are available now.
With next issue I’ll try to synchronize publish date original and translated news.

If you want to join, please contact me.

good news for Russian opensuse users.

October 1st, 2008 by

I’m glad to announce the availability of repositories tree on Russian mirror.

We altered mirror structure. Now we have one server for repositories tree (later we are going to add Factory tree there.) And three servers for other static stuff (like repo and iso dirs). It means that 1-click install will try to get package from closest mirror (yandex). And it means that Russian users get significant improvement in download speed. After a week of hard work we make it real. Thanks to Peter Poeml (from suse) and Arkady L. Shane (from yandex).