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Proprietary AMD/ATI Catalyst fglrx rpms released

March 23rd, 2014 by

Proprietary AMD/ATI Catalyst fglrx rpms released

Patience is a virtue, especially with AMD gpu drivers, but today is the FGLRX day!

Yesterday Sebastian Siebert has published new versions for almost everything (except legacy dead horse).

So after 3 versions of the driver, compiled for 6 versions of openSUSE, under 2 arch, the rpms have been published today

Question : how many compilation does that mean? 🙂


# # AMD fglrx standard (HD5xxx+ radeon gpu) 13.251-4

So we got a new build of the 13.12 standard version, including support for newer 3.14x kernel.Available for openSUSE 11.4 to 13.1 plus Tumbleweed

mirror link

Informations & bugreport Sebastian’s blog

# # AMD fglrx standard BETA 14.3V1.0 (HD5xxx+ radeon gpu)

Sebastian refresh the script to build the last beta offered by AMD

If you feel brave enough to work them, the rpm are located at the repository address

beta mirror link

Informations & bugreport Sebastian’s blog

# # NEW AMD fglrx unified for FirePro & FireMV gpu 13.251-1

Sebastian now offer also the support for the unified driver for FirePro & FireMV gpu.

The driver is also called fglrx, and you should not mix the different repository. So take care of that.

We create a new repository you could use.

amd-fire-unified mirror link

Informations & bugreport Sebastian’s blog


This release concern only owners of radeon HD5xxx or above.
For older gpu, the fglrx-legacy is still 13.1, and thus didn’t work with openSUSE 12.3 or above.
Beware of that, and prefer the free open-source radeon driver which came out of the box from your openSUSE distribution.
For 12.3 and especially 13.1 the free radeon often offer a better experience than the old fglrx-legacy.

geeko.ioda.net got a new home

After more than 4 years of good service, our old server got retired. Since 10 days a new beefy server is in place to serve the community.
If you find any trouble using it, please just drop me an email.

I’ve totally cleanup the old vhosts ftp.ioda.net, linux.ioda.net so update your bookmarks, and warn your friends.

Changing the signer of package

Last december, I’ve done a change with which key used for signing the package and repository. So you will need to trust the new key for the repository

zypper ref -f -r amd-fglrx
Forcing raw metadata refresh
Retrieving repository 'amd-fglrx' metadata ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[\]

New repository or package signing key received:
Key ID: 484F703065BE584C
Key Name: builder Ioda-Net (Building and signing packages build at Ioda-Net) 
Key Fingerprint: 80D079EBFB1AB0FEE3CA41E6484F703065BE584C
Key Created: lun 30 jui 2012 15:27:35 CEST
Key Expires: sam 29 jui 2017 15:27:35 CEST
Repository: amd-fglrx

Do you want to reject the key, trust temporarily, or trust always? [r/t/a/? shows all options] (r): a

Sebastien Siebert making script

Sebastian Siebert posts about fglrx

If you have any problems with the driver, don’t be afraid to report to Sebastian (German and English bugreports are gladly accepted).
he will try, as far as I am able to reproduce the bug. Together with the necessary system information, he will go directly to the right place at AMD to have the bug fixed in the next driver release.
Thank you very much, Sebastian.

See below what to do in case of troubles.

Or you can also ping him on irc (freespacer)

Debugging troubles

I recommend in case of trouble the use of his script which can collect the whole informations needed to help you. then you just have to issue a simple commande in console to collect all informations, you can review them, and finally transmit them.
Check the website to get the latest.

su -c 'sh makerpm-amd-13.12.sh -ur'
The system report 'amd-report.txt' was generated.                                                                                                          [ OK ]
Do you want to read the system report 'amd-report.txt' now? yes/no [y/n]: y
Are you sure to upload the above-named system report to sprunge.us? yes/no [y/n]: y

The report was uploaded to sprunge.us.
   The link is:  http://sprunge.us/eMEB

Copy paste the link in the comment zone of Sebastian post

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