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Testing Packages and Their Dependencies

July 30th, 2009 by

With many packages, it’s easy to test that the package itself builds after a major change, e.g. a version update.  But once you add the package to your devel project or to factory, you notice that other packages do not build anymore due to your new package.

So, what can you do? You can create your own project in the openSUSE Build Service that contains your package and create links for those packages that need your package during build. That way you can find out which packages fail and fix them – instead of submitting your package to the devel project or factory and get lots of failures.

Do you have other tips about the Build Service?  Please post them!

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3 Responses to “Testing Packages and Their Dependencies”

  1. RedDwarf

    “create links for those packages that need your package during build”

    And how do you know what packages are those? Download with osc and grep all the Factory spec files from a remote connection could take hours.

  2. Andreas Jaeger

    osc should get this implemented soonish, for now see http://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-factory/2009-07/msg00326.html

  3. Matthew Ehle

    Thank you. Testing comments.