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Posts Tagged ‘12.3’

BETA Proprietary AMD/ATI Catalyst fglrx 14.20 BETA v1.0 July 11 2014 rpm are released for several openSUSE version

August 17th, 2014 by

Back on line after several weeks in late, I’ve tried from my best to resolve the case of Factory rolling releases.

After some hacks on the latest Sebastian Siebert beta version (Made in June), I’ve been able to build now BETA fglrx rpm for several openSUSE version.

one day AMD will release or not a stable version. (On my side I prefer to see more efforts made on the free radeon driver.)


This release concern only owners of radeon HD5xxx or above. All owner of HD2xx and HD4xx are really encouraged to use the free radeon driver (which received a lot of improvement in 3.11+ kernels)

This is experimental & BETA software, it could fix issues you encountered (FGLRX not working for openSUSE 13.1),

What happen to Sebastian

I would like to have some news about Sebastian Siebert, he’s a essential key for future updates.
This time I was able (even with several weeks in late) to adjust the script to create a build for openSUSE Factory.
But one day something will broke in kernel or somewhere else, and we all need to find a way to fix it.

So if you’re in touch with Sebastian, could you drop me a comment or a private mail?

I would like to continue the good support we created 3.5 years ago, or at least knowning if I’m orphan 🙁

Beta Repository

To make things clear about the status of the drivers, it will not be published under the normal stable repository http://geeko.ioda.net/mirror/amd-fglrx.
I’ve created some times ago a beta repository located at http://geeko.ioda.net/mirror/amd-fglrx-beta.
The FGLRX 14.20 beta1 rpm are released for openSUSE version 12.3, 13.1 (+Tumbleweed), Factory

Signer of package my generic builder gpg key at Ioda-Net. (gpg key id 65BE584C)

For those interested by contributing or patches done to last Sebastian version, the raw-src on the server contain all the material used

Installing the new repository

Admitting you’ve the normal repository named FGLRX, (use zypper lr -d to find the number or name you give it). You have to start by disabling it
so you could fallback to it quickly when new stable version will be published. Open a root console or add sudo at your convenience and issue the following command:

zypper mr -dR FGLRX


To add another repository in the same console as root issue the following command which will install normally the right repository for your distribution

zypper ar -n FGLRX-BETA -cgf http://geeko.ioda.net/mirror/amd-fglrx-beta/openSUSE_`lsb-release -r | awk '{print $2}'` FGLRX-BETA

If you are using Tumbleweed use this one

zypper ar -n FGLRX-BETA -cgf http://geeko.ioda.net/mirror/amd-fglrx-beta/openSUSE_Tumbleweed FGLRX-BETA

Now the update/upgrade process

zypper dup -r FGLRX-BETA

Let the system upgrade the package, and try to enjoy the new beta.


Proprietary AMD/ATI Catalyst fglrx 14.4 (14.10.1006-1) rpm released

May 2nd, 2014 by

As of May 2nd, a bunch of new rpm for FGLRX has been released for openSUSE 11.4 to 13.1 including Tumbleweed


This release concern only owners of radeon HD5xxx or above.
For older gpu, the fglrx-legacy is still 13.1, and thus didn’t work with openSUSE 12.3 or above.
Beware of that, and prefer the free open-source radeon driver which came out of the box from your openSUSE distribution.
For 12.3 and especially 13.1 the free radeon often offer a better experience than the old fglrx-legacy, especially for HD2xxx-HD4xxx range.

Help for spreading the word

Dear fellow I’m counting on you to spread the word, in the different social media you’re subscribed, and also on Mailing list, forums.
Feel free also to translate it into your native language

Release note about 14.4

AMD Full release note

New Features:
The following section provides a summary of new features in this driver version.

Support for the AMD Radeon R9 295X
Ubuntu 12.04.4  support
Full support for OpenGL 4.4
  OpenGL 4.4 supports the following extensions:

Resolved Issues:
This section provides information on resolved known issues in this release of the AMD Catalyst Linux Software Suite.

        Corruption and system hang observed while running Sanctuary BM with Tear Free Desktop enabled
        Memory leak about hardware context
        EGL create context error for glesx
        GPU hand in CrossFire Mode
        [Piglit] Test "spec/arb_vertex_array_object" failed
        [Piglit] Test "glx/GLX_EXT_import_context/free context" failed
        [Piglit] Test "spec/ARB_seamless_cube_map" failed
        Piglit] Test "texture swizzle with border color" failed
        Glxtest failures observed in log file
        Blank screen observed while running steam games with Big picture
        4ms delay observed in the glxSwapBuffers when vsync is enabled
        RBDoom3BFG the game auto quit when use the security camera terminal
        ETQW segmentation fault

Known Issues:
The following section provides a summary of open issues that may be experienced with the AMD Catalyst Linux Software Suite.

Performance on some Steam OS games is lower on 1GB graphics memory cards, compared with 2GB graphics memory cards
Some Piglit tests cause a system hang under Ubuntu

This Catalyst fglrx version support openSUSE version from 11.4 to 13.1 plus Tumbleweed (thus covering kernel from 3.11 to 3.14 series).
A special thanks to Sebastian Siebert for his effort on making this driver working under openSUSE and latest kernel.

If a kind German geeko can take the time to translate his article, put the result in comments below, you will understand that getting it working,
is not just Fun.


Proprietary AMD/ATI Catalyst fglrx rpms released

March 23rd, 2014 by

Proprietary AMD/ATI Catalyst fglrx rpms released

Patience is a virtue, especially with AMD gpu drivers, but today is the FGLRX day!

Yesterday Sebastian Siebert has published new versions for almost everything (except legacy dead horse).

So after 3 versions of the driver, compiled for 6 versions of openSUSE, under 2 arch, the rpms have been published today

Question : how many compilation does that mean? 🙂


# # AMD fglrx standard (HD5xxx+ radeon gpu) 13.251-4

So we got a new build of the 13.12 standard version, including support for newer 3.14x kernel.Available for openSUSE 11.4 to 13.1 plus Tumbleweed

mirror link

Informations & bugreport Sebastian’s blog

# # AMD fglrx standard BETA 14.3V1.0 (HD5xxx+ radeon gpu)

Sebastian refresh the script to build the last beta offered by AMD

If you feel brave enough to work them, the rpm are located at the repository address

beta mirror link

Informations & bugreport Sebastian’s blog

# # NEW AMD fglrx unified for FirePro & FireMV gpu 13.251-1

Sebastian now offer also the support for the unified driver for FirePro & FireMV gpu.

The driver is also called fglrx, and you should not mix the different repository. So take care of that.

We create a new repository you could use.

amd-fire-unified mirror link

Informations & bugreport Sebastian’s blog


Proprietary AMD/ATI Catalyst fglrx 13.12 (13.251-3) rpm get a new build release

January 27th, 2014 by

Just a small note about a new build (-3) of the 13.251 fglrx version.


AMD has changed /etc/ati/amdpcsdb.default database in its tarball

The packages have just been published on geeko.ioda.net, so next time you zypper up the new build should appear as a proposed update


This release concern only owners of radeon HD5xxx or above.
For older gpu, the fglrx-legacy is still 13.1, and thus didn’t work with openSUSE 12.3 or above.
Beware of that, and prefer the free open-source radeon driver which came out of the box from your openSUSE distribution.
For 12.3 and especially 13.1 the free radeon often offer a better experience than the old fglrx-legacy.

Have fun!

Beta Proprietary AMD/ATI fglrx 13.11 betaV9.95 Catalyst 13.25.18-3 rpm released

January 27th, 2014 by

Beta Proprietary AMD/ATI Catalyst fglrx 13.11 (13.25.18-3) rpm get a new release

Just a small note about a new build (-3) of the 13.251 fglrx version.


On AMD website : Release note

Adds support for Steam OS

The packages will be published in a few minutes on geeko.ioda.net/mirror/amd-fglrx-beta, so next time you zypper up the new build should appear as a proposed update, if you use the beta repository (not recommended).


This release concern only owners of radeon HD5xxx or above. And is BETA.
For older gpu, the fglrx-legacy is still 13.1, and thus didn’t work with openSUSE 12.3 or above.
Beware of that, and prefer the free open-source radeon driver which came out of the box from your openSUSE distribution.
For 12.3 and especially 13.1 the free radeon often offer a better experience than the old fglrx-legacy.

Have fun!

Proprietary AMD/ATI fglrx 13.251-1 Catalyst 13.12 rpm finally released

December 21st, 2013 by

Proprietary AMD/ATI Catalyst fglrx 13.12 (13.251-1) rpm released

Geeko Santa Claus - Crédits Carlos Ribeiro

Geeko Santa Claus – Crédits Carlos Ribeiro

Patience is a virtue, months of it and finally we got a proof that Santa Claus exist 🙂
This release allow me to wish you a Merry Christmas!


This release concern only owners of radeon HD5xxx or above.
For older gpu, the fglrx-legacy is still 13.1, and thus didn’t work with openSUSE 12.3 or above.
Beware of that, and prefer the free open-source radeon driver which came out of the box from your openSUSE distribution.
For 12.3 and especially 13.1 the free radeon often offer a better experience than the old fglrx-legacy.

Changing the signer of package

I’ve done a change with which key used for signing the package and repository. So you will need to trust the new key for the repository

zypper ref -f -r amd-fglrx
Forcing raw metadata refresh
Retrieving repository 'amd-fglrx' metadata ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[\]

New repository or package signing key received:
Key ID: 484F703065BE584C
Key Name: builder Ioda-Net (Building and signing packages build at Ioda-Net) 
Key Fingerprint: 80D079EBFB1AB0FEE3CA41E6484F703065BE584C
Key Created: lun 30 jui 2012 15:27:35 CEST
Key Expires: sam 29 jui 2017 15:27:35 CEST
Repository: amd-fglrx

Do you want to reject the key, trust temporarily, or trust always? [r/t/a/? shows all options] (r): a


Help for spreading the word

Dear fellow I’m counting on you to spread the word, in the different social media you’re subscribed, and also on Mailing list, forums.
Feel free also to translate it into your native language

Release note about 13.12

This Catalyst fglrx version support openSUSE version from 11.4 to 13.1 and also Tumbleweed (thus also kernel 3.12/13 series).
A special thanks to Sebastian Siebert for his effort on making this driver working under openSUSE.

If a kind German geeko can take the time to translate his article, put the result in comments below, you will understand that getting it working,
is not just Fun.

Notice for users of the -beta repository

If you previously used the fglrx drivers using the -beta created for fglrx 13.11, you could not switch back the url of the repository to the standard one.
The beta will contain now outdated driver until AMD release a new one.
If you were using the normal repository the update should appear directly

To change the url if your repository is called FGLRX
zypper mr -n FLGRX http://geeko.ioda.net/mirror/amd-fglrx/openSUSE_13.1


For tumbleweed due to the change of openSUSE version from 12.3 to 13.1, you will certainly have remove the old package and install the new one.

zypper rm fglrx64_xpic_SUSE123

zypper in fglrx64_xpic_SUSE131
[snipped par of installation]
Calling 'depmod -a 3.12.5-3.g48b587a-desktop' this may take a while...

Summary report:

   Kernel     => 3.12.5-3.g48b587a-desktop
   Detected   => RPM package
   Build      => [ OK ]
   Install    => [ OK ]

Please read "/usr/share/doc/packages/fglrx/README.SuSE" for
configuration details when using SaX2.

Release Note

A release note is available on AMD website

Fixed issues

    [384861]: Ultra slow dota2 fps
    [383176]: System hang when startx after enable Eyefinity
    [383109]: System hang when run Unigine Heaven 4.0
    [382494]: Screen corruption when run C4Engine with GL_ARB_texture_array enabled
    [384193]: Fix the procfs permission issue on kernel 3.10 and later
    [373812]: System hang when run some OpenGL stress test
    [383430]: Glxtest failed with force AA
    [383372]: Fail to launch cairo-dock
    [384509]: glClientWaitSync is waiting even when timeout is 0
    [383573]: AC/DC switching is broken
    [384194]: Tear-Free Desktop sets V-Sync to 30Hz instead of 60Hz
    [385123]: CrossFire aspect observed in CCCLE where it should not
    [385414]: Steam crashes and games hang on a black screen when Force AA is on
    [387027]: Glxtest failed on SLED11 SP3
    [382079]: MARI crash with weird stack
    [387797]: X crash when kill X with Xserver 1.13 and 1.14
    [389431]: Screens are distorted when connecting an external monitor on some PowerXpress platform with Intel Haswell
    [389728]: Segfault after disabling display on re-launch of CCCLE
    [387573]: Soft hang and error observed on BasicDebug sample for OpenCL when run on x86
    [385704]: Black window when run glxgears with TWM
    [376115]: Display corruption when using rotation

 Known Bugs


Yippee Yeah Another Proprietary AMD/ATI Catalyst fglrx 13.11 BETA v9.4 (13.25.18-2) rpm are released for any openSUSE version

November 23rd, 2013 by

Yippee Yeah Another Proprietary AMD/ATI Catalyst fglrx 13.11 BETA v9.4 (13.25.18-2) rpm are released for any openSUSE version

amd logo

Welcome in paradise II … 🙂

A fresh new version of the FGLRX driver has been released by AMD, and thus packaged and available for all of you.

Next month, AMD promise to release a stable version.


This release concern only owners of radeon HD5xxx or above. All owner of HD2xx and HD4xx are really encouraged to use the free radeon driver (which received a lot of improvement in 3.11)

There’s 13 and thirteen 🙂 When I speak about 13.1 it’s openSUSE version, 13.11 is FGLRX version, don’t get confused! Oh and 3.11 is the kernel version 🙂

This is experimental & BETA software, it could fix issues you encountered (FGLRX not working for openSUSE 13.1),
But good reports have been collected around (people having used Sebastian’s script directly)

I would like to thanks again Sebastian Siebert for his effort to kept FGLRX in a good shape for all of us.

Beta Repository

To make things clear about the status of the drivers, it will not be published under the normal stable repository http://geeko.ioda.net/mirror/amd-fglrx.
I’ve created some times ago a beta repository located at http://geeko.ioda.net/mirror/amd-fglrx-beta.
The FGLRX 13.11 beta6 and beta 9.4 rpm are released for any openSUSE version from 11.4(Evergreen) to latest 13.1 + Tumbleweed

Also the signer of package have change and use now the generic builder gpg key at Ioda-Net. (gpg key id 65BE584C)

Installing the new repository

Admitting you’ve the normal repository named FGLRX, (use zypper lr -d to find the number or name you give it). You have to start by disabling it
so you could fallback to it quickly when new stable version will be published. Open a root console or add sudo at your convenience and issue the following command:

zypper mr -dR FGLRX


To add another repository in the same console as root issue the following command which will install normally the right repository for your distribution

zypper ar -n FGLRX-BETA -cgf http://geeko.ioda.net/mirror/amd-fglrx-beta/openSUSE_`lsb-release -r | awk '{print $2}'` FGLRX-BETA

If you are using Tumbleweed use this one

zypper ar -n FGLRX-BETA -cgf http://geeko.ioda.net/mirror/amd-fglrx-beta/openSUSE_Tumbleweed FGLRX-BETA

Now the update/upgrade process

zypper dup -r FGLRX-BETA

Let the system upgrade the package, and try to enjoy the new beta.


Proprietary AMD/ATI Catalyst fglrx 13.11 BETA6 (13.25.18-1) rpm are released for any openSUSE version

November 20th, 2013 by

Finally Proprietary AMD/ATI Catalyst fglrx 13.11 BETA6 (13.25.18-1) rpm are released for any openSUSE version

Welcome in paradise … 🙂


This release concern only owners of radeon HD5xxx or above. All owner of HD2xx and HD4xx are really encouraged to use the free radeon driver (which received a lot of improvement in 3.11)

There’s 13 and thirteen 🙂 When I speak about 13.1 it’s openSUSE version, 13.11 is FGLRX version, don’t get confused! Oh and 3.11 is the kernel version 🙂

This is experimental & BETA software, it could fix issues you encountered (FGLRX not working for openSUSE 13.1),
But good reports have been collected around (people having used Sebastian’s script directly)

I would like to thanks again Sebastian Siebert for his effort to kept FGLRX in a good shape for all of us.
Can I ask you to help to spread the message to the world, so anyone who has an interest in having FGLRX could find the information. I will update the wiki to point here. But mailing lists, social media, forums are up to you!

Beta Repository

To make things clear about the status of the drivers, it will not be published under the normal stable repository http://geeko.ioda.net/mirror/amd-fglrx.
I’ve created some times ago a beta repository located at http://geeko.ioda.net/mirror/amd-fglrx-beta.
The FGLRX 13.11 beta6 rpm are released for any openSUSE version from 11.4(Evergreen) to latest 13.1 + Tumbleweed

Also the signer of package have change and use now the generic builder gpg key at Ioda-Net. (gpg key id 65BE584C)

Installing the new repository

Admitting you’ve the normal repository named FGLRX, (use zypper lr -d to find the number or name you give it). You have to start by disabling it
so you could fallback to it quickly when new stable version will be published. Open a root console or add sudo at your convenience and issue the following command:

zypper mr -dR FGLRX


To add another repository in the same console as root issue the following command which will install normally the right repository for your distribution

zypper ar -n FGLRX-BETA -cgf http://geeko.ioda.net/mirror/amd-fglrx-beta/openSUSE_`lsb-release -r | awk '{print $2}'` FGLRX-BETA

If you are using Tumbleweed use this one

zypper ar -n FGLRX-BETA -cgf http://geeko.ioda.net/mirror/amd-fglrx-beta/openSUSE_Tumbleweed FGLRX-BETA

Now the update/upgrade process

zypper dup -r FGLRX-BETA

Let the system upgrade the package, and try to enjoy the new beta.


Only for the brave, Proprietary AMD/ATI Catalyst fglrx 13.10 BETA2 (13.20.11-1) rpm released

October 6th, 2013 by

Only for the brave, Proprietary AMD/ATI Catalyst fglrx 13.10 BETA2 (13.20.11-1) rpm released


This release concern only owners of radeon HD5xxx or above. And adventurous users who know how to deal with troubles.
The majority could easily wait the final release, expected somewhat later even if it take a long time 🙂

This is experimental & BETA software, it could fix issues you encountered, but also can eat your kittens. You’ve been warned !
flgrx build for 3.11 series kernel ( Tumbleweed & 13.1 ).
But this time I’ve to update the Sebastian script myself, so I consider also the package as beta stage.

Installing the new repository

Admitting you’ve the normal repository named FGLRX, (use zypper lr -d to find the number or name you give it). You have to start by disabling it
so you could fallback to it quickly. Open a root console or add sudo at your convenience and issue the following command:

zypper mr -dR FGLRX

The beta driver is available for 11.4 (evergreen kernel), 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 13.1, Tumbleweed (12.3 based + kernel 3.11) at amd-fglrx-beta

To add another repository in the same console as root issue the following command which will install normally the right repository for your distribution

zypper ar -n FGLRX-BETA -cgf http://geeko.ioda.net/mirror/amd-fglrx-beta/openSUSE_`lsb-release -r | awk '{print $2}'` FGLRX-BETA

If you are using Tumbleweed use this one

zypper ar -n FGLRX-BETA -cgf http://geeko.ioda.net/mirror/amd-fglrx-beta/openSUSE_Tumbleweed FGLRX-BETA

Now the update/upgrade process

zypper dup -r FGLRX-BETA

Let the system upgrade the package, and try to enjoy the new beta


Proprietary AMD/ATI Catalyst fglrx 13.8 BETA1 (13.20.5-1) rpm released

August 15th, 2013 by


This release concern only owners of radeon HD5xxx or above. And adventurous users who know how to deal with troubles.
The majority could easily wait the final release, expected somewhat later.

This is experimental & BETA sofware, it could fix issues you encountered, but also can eat your kitten. You’ve been warned !
But good reports have been collected around, especially with never 3.10x kernel series.

Installing the new repository

Admitting you’ve the normal repository named FGLRX, (use zypper lr -d to find the number or name you give it). You have to start by disabling it, so you could fallback to it quickly. Open a root console or add sudo at your convenience and issue the following command:

zypper mr -dR FGLRX

The beta driver is available for 11.4 (evergreen kernel), 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 13.1, Tumbleweed (12.3 based + kernel 3.10) at amd-fglrx-beta

To add another repository in the same console as root issue the following command which will install normally the right repository for your distribution

zypper ar -n FGLRX-BETA -cgf http://geeko.ioda.net/amd-fglrx-beta/openSUSE_`lsb-release -r | awk '{print $2}'` FGLRX-BETA

If you are using Tumbleweed use this one

zypper ar -n FGLRX-BETA -cgf http://geeko.ioda.net/amd-fglrx-beta/openSUSE_Tumbleweed FGLRX-BETA

Now the update/upgrade process

zypper dup -r FGLRX-BETA

Let the system upgrade the package, and try to enjoy the new beta
