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Archive for June 4th, 2009

Netbeans 6.5 is going to Factory

June 4th, 2009 by

As you might know, the netbeans package was a part of openSUSE, but for some historical reason, it was a monolithic package in non-oss repository. Last weeks I have worked on import 29 new packages to Factory, which allows us to build netbeans from source and include it to regular free repository. Fortunately thanks for hard work of guys from jpackage project it was easy to adapt their spec files for SUSE and push them into the Factory.

Majority of those packages was reviewed and included into Factory during last weeks, but five (including netbeans) itself are currently in review process, so they would be available later. Following graph shows netbeans and it’s build dependencies. Green color means – package is in Factory, yellow means package is in review process.

Netbeans and build requires

In a meanwhile the netbeans for openSUSE Factory and 11.1 is available in Java:packages BuildService repository, so feel free to install and test it.