It has been far too long since the GNOME Team actually put their heads together and talked about what is going on in the garden. As such regular meetings are re-starting, but with a slight difference – it will be monthly on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 1400UTC, for localised times please see here.
That means the next meeting will be held this Tuesday, 18th May 2010, in the garden (otherwise known as #opensuse-gnome on Freenode). The Agenda is pretty simple and can be added to on the wiki. For those curious it will kind of follow the lines of:
1. openSUSE GNOME Status
1.1 Packaging
1.2 Bugs
1.3 Q & A
2. Upstream GNOME Status
2.1 What’s New
2.2 Bugs
2.3 Q & A
3. General Q & A
So please come buy the garden, pull up a chair and crack a cold one open. Join in the fun and add anything you need to the agenda.
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