Some times ago Russian and Ukrainian users noticed strange connection drops from Yandex. I can’t solve this problem, because I’m not Yandex employee.
Russian mirrors problems are mostly solved by introducing new mirror (Thanks to Yuri xnu!! Tsarev). This mirror have all openSUSE related stuff, 100 Mbit connection, 1Tb storage drive. After testing period now we can see that mirror is ready for main workload. So we adjust priorities and if you are try to access from Russian IP you should be redirected to this new mirror.
Due problems with foreign bandwidth we can’t serve Ukrainian users with Peter Poeml help we switch they directly to German mirrors.
If you have problems with Russian mirror accessing via please contact me directly. I’ll try to solve this
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Хорошо. Как раз я с Питером списывался, описывал ему проблемы и обещал потестировать, пока последнее работает очень хорошо
Glad to hear positive feedback.
Я правильно понял, приоритет зеркал яндекса понизили? Жаль.
Yes you are absolutely right.
We do this because Yandex mirror doesn’t work for most users in Russia.
We tried to increase time out values. But it don’t solve problems. Now if you are using d.o.o and if goes for maintenance or just down, then you’ll be just redirected to yandex for fail-back mirror.