Updated Application: bleachbit 0.5.1
Published in: home:saigkill and openSUSE:Factory:Contrib
Archive for June 11th, 2009
New/updated application
June 11th, 2009 by Sascha MannsTranscoding/Ripping Cluster using KIWI-LTSP
June 11th, 2009 by Jigish GohilWe had a bit of High Performance Cluster (HPC) setup already to do distributed build using Icecream on KIWI-LTSP, now Mathis has written a “howto” use KIWI-LTSP for clustered ripping and transcoding, another kind of HPC use of LTSP network. Ready to run LTSP server is integrated in openSUSE-Edu Li-f-e DVD making it very easy to do such setups.
“Since the transcoding process can take a long time, the work can be split into several fragments which then can be processed by other machines on a network. The best way to accomplish this is to set up a server which controls the transcoding process, from which the (diskless) clients can boot.”
So why openSUSE KIWI-LTSP for this job? This is what Mathis had to say: “well, I just needed some OS to boot from the network, luckily it was LTSP, so I saved some time gathering parts for an OS since openSUSE also provides the dvd::rip and transcode packages and KIWI-LTSP automatically resolves the dependencies, this is an extra point for it…”
It could serve digital studios as well or convert your DVD collection to use on home media center PC very quickly 😉