I talked yesterday with Coolo about the openSUSE Build Service and mentioned that I have now a lot of branched projects in my home project since I looked at many different packages that have different devel packages. He showed me his script and also gave another hint that I wanted to share (thanks Coolo for sharing this with me!).
Archive for July 31st, 2009
openFATE feature 306967, KDE default
July 31st, 2009 by Michael LöfflerThere are pretty many pros and cons and even more people with their opinion about the feature. I’d like to summarize what has been said in the discussion in the feature itself and during yesterday’s openSUSE project meeting. Unfortunately the only sure thing is whatever decision is taken – it will be wrong for some. This is why, at this time, we have no default – because openSUSE has strong GNOME and KDE implementations, we offer them side-by-side as equals. And we made 2 years ago on opensuse-project the decision that we stay with “no default” desktop.
So what do we have so far?
- a feature request from one of the KDE e.V. board members
- the feature asks to make KDE default. Reason for that, is to make openSUSE more simple for newbies and to make openSUSE the best KDE distribution around
- Through the discussion in the feature I’d translate that feature into put the radio button as default to KDE on the desktop selection screen during installation instead of today’s status where everybody needs to make a choice between
- the highest rated feature in openFATE until today
- a majority of people supporting this feature (currently approx. 90% pro, 1% neutral, 9% against)