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Archive for August 6th, 2009

With GSOC almost over….

August 6th, 2009 by

The openSIS team is proud to announce that the conversion from Postgres to MySQL is nearly complete. Check it out at http://opensis.sourceforge.net  We have a few small bugs in the SQL left in some of the less used features. For the most part the project is on track and we have started to divide the team in two with one half working on bugs, the other working on Moodle integration. By mid fall we hope to have a “push” mode of integration with Moodle version 1.9.5 and hope to have work begun using Moodles new 2.0 version with SIS API.

We have IMHO created what will be the next “killer” , “must have” application  in the education administration venue.  Paired with the offerings produced by my good friends and teammates of the opensuse-education team. I think we will be producing a wonderful tool for all humanity.  A free education software suite.  Much has been done with the ideals founded here, Linkat, and the Edubuntu add-on are just a few. I hope it keeps going , for the children’s sake “let’s make a difference”!