Continuing with another round of pictures from the Venezuelan FLISOL, i bring here a small recopilation of pictures from galleries of the main site, Caracas, where openSUSE has presence like in the other 19 sites.
This time, i wanna take time to thank Maria “tatica” Leandro, the national coordinator of the event, for all the invaluable help and dedication that she put to get our FLISOL a really great live experience.
She is a famous Fedora Ambassador in the region, that got the sponsorship from Novell for all the sites, and even to get spread the openSUSE word in other post-flisol events. I would like help her in getting the material, but this happens in a time that i was bloated of work. So, I hope she gets her beatification from her invaluable help in the event.
(some of the photos are under a creative commons license)