Last years election of seats for the openSUSE board showed that our election rules are not complete. So, before the elections this year start, I propose that we refine the rules and like to start with this post a discussion on how to change them.
I see the following situations not handled:
- Less candidates than seats for a category (Novell/non-Novell)
- Equal number of candidates and open seats for a category (Novell/non-Novell)
- a board member resigning
- a board member disappearing and not engaging in the board
- a board member getting hired by Novell or leaves Novell
We also need to clarify when the new board constitutes.
We should have a light weight process that is not overly complex and results in endless votes. We vote for people that volunteer their time for the openSUSE project and don’t get any material benefits for it. So, let’s keep that in mind when discussing alternatives.