Those informations are obsolete now : please consult //
AMD/ATI Catalyst 12.1 / fglrx 8.930 rpm are available
Sorry I missed in December the annoucement release for the 8.920, but from what I’ve seen. zypper up do the job for you 🙂
Quick Résumé about 12.1
AMD rename their installer, So Sebastian did the same for his script.
I will just copy/google translate/paste here the comment made by Sebastian Siebert on his blog :
With this version AMD Catalyst Gnome 3.2 issues (flickering and screen cracks) are finally resolved.
According to AMD, the notebook with the PowerXpress technology (Intel-/AMD-Grafikkarte – discrete GPU) should work again.
I would be grateful if someone could test this functionality for me and give me feedback. Thank you.
See more at Sebastian’s blog. Don’t be shy, you can leave there the result of test in english too 😀
See below what to do in case of troubles.
The rpms version 8.930 are available from Friday January 27th
My advise is to firstly remove any existing version with zypper rm, then just zypper in the new version, even if 8.930 are the first version I’ve seen making its upgrade correctly.
As usual, I let the last 2 previous versions in the repository, just in case you need it.
Tested on a fresh 12.1 + updates with a stock kde 4.7.2
Factory rpms are not available actually, I’ve not be able to build a new building machine for it.
Anyways, factory and 12.2 should keep their effort on debuging and testing widely the free radeon driver.