openSUSE Multimedia is a modified version of openSUSE with the goal of making it more usable, in particular for users without an internet connection, while trying to remain compatible with openSUSE. Features compared to openSUSE include better multimedia support by including codec audio & video (Restricted Format), and other software,such as gimp,inkscape,imagewriter,vlc,audacity,smplayer,gmplayer,amarok,banshe and etc..
openSUSE Multimedia 32bit x86 based on openSUSE 12.3 with default desktop Gnome3
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Thanks to openSUSE Indonesia, KPLI Kendari
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i’am from indonesia and i proud ^_^
Indonesian still prefers an outbox distro with multimedia support. Well, this would help a lot of people in Indonesia who doesn’t get internet connection, but still love to play their old MP3 playlist.