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Archive for August 17th, 2014

BETA Proprietary AMD/ATI Catalyst fglrx 14.20 BETA v1.0 July 11 2014 rpm are released for several openSUSE version

August 17th, 2014 by

Back on line after several weeks in late, I’ve tried from my best to resolve the case of Factory rolling releases.

After some hacks on the latest Sebastian Siebert beta version (Made in June), I’ve been able to build now BETA fglrx rpm for several openSUSE version.

one day AMD will release or not a stable version. (On my side I prefer to see more efforts made on the free radeon driver.)


This release concern only owners of radeon HD5xxx or above. All owner of HD2xx and HD4xx are really encouraged to use the free radeon driver (which received a lot of improvement in 3.11+ kernels)

This is experimental & BETA software, it could fix issues you encountered (FGLRX not working for openSUSE 13.1),

What happen to Sebastian

I would like to have some news about Sebastian Siebert, he’s a essential key for future updates.
This time I was able (even with several weeks in late) to adjust the script to create a build for openSUSE Factory.
But one day something will broke in kernel or somewhere else, and we all need to find a way to fix it.

So if you’re in touch with Sebastian, could you drop me a comment or a private mail?

I would like to continue the good support we created 3.5 years ago, or at least knowning if I’m orphan 🙁

Beta Repository

To make things clear about the status of the drivers, it will not be published under the normal stable repository http://geeko.ioda.net/mirror/amd-fglrx.
I’ve created some times ago a beta repository located at http://geeko.ioda.net/mirror/amd-fglrx-beta.
The FGLRX 14.20 beta1 rpm are released for openSUSE version 12.3, 13.1 (+Tumbleweed), Factory

Signer of package my generic builder gpg key at Ioda-Net. (gpg key id 65BE584C)

For those interested by contributing or patches done to last Sebastian version, the raw-src on the server contain all the material used

Installing the new repository

Admitting you’ve the normal repository named FGLRX, (use zypper lr -d to find the number or name you give it). You have to start by disabling it
so you could fallback to it quickly when new stable version will be published. Open a root console or add sudo at your convenience and issue the following command:

zypper mr -dR FGLRX


To add another repository in the same console as root issue the following command which will install normally the right repository for your distribution

zypper ar -n FGLRX-BETA -cgf http://geeko.ioda.net/mirror/amd-fglrx-beta/openSUSE_`lsb-release -r | awk '{print $2}'` FGLRX-BETA

If you are using Tumbleweed use this one

zypper ar -n FGLRX-BETA -cgf http://geeko.ioda.net/mirror/amd-fglrx-beta/openSUSE_Tumbleweed FGLRX-BETA

Now the update/upgrade process

zypper dup -r FGLRX-BETA

Let the system upgrade the package, and try to enjoy the new beta.
