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Archive for the ‘Boosters’ Category

openSUSE Boosters at FrOSCon, Day 2

August 22nd, 2010 by

Back home in Nuernberg now – Sunday has been a long day of hacking on Elgg and its plugins to shape it into a users site that knows about the social side of the openSUSE community.

Our ‘Hack Meck’ was a little bit harder after letting loose at the legendary FrOSCon Saturday night party in the balmy August air, but we still managed to put down the glow sticks, hammer the keys and reach our goals for the weekend. These were adapting the user data to include fields that are peculiar to openSUSE such as membership status and IRC cloak, enhancing the Poll plugin to meet our info gathering needs, adapting the Elgg theming to our ubiquitous Bento theme, and working on calendaring and events so that we all know what is coming next in openSUSE world and so you can display your packaging and bug-reporting achievements to the world.

When we weren’t making like a bunch of web developers, we mingled in the exhibition area, presented our project to anyone who came by the Hack Meck room and generally enjoyed seeing the diverse projects that come to FrOSCon. Thanks go to the FrOSCon organizers for making us so welcome and to the openSUSE booth staffers for doing a terrific job – we look forward to doing it again next year.

openSUSE Boosters at FrOSCon, Day 1

August 21st, 2010 by

After long drives from Nuernberg, Prague and Darmstadt hitting every traffic jam on the A3 (the Czechs won the race), the openSUSE Boosters met up in the little rhenish town of Sankt Augustin near Bonn to attend FrOSCon.  Last night we reacquainted ourselves with each other and the odd glass of Kölsch or two over steak and chips.  Suitably fortified, we are now occupied our project room upstairs at FrOSCon (room C125) and are now hacking like crazy on our team project, a new site for openSUSE users and contributors.  This is based on the Elgg free software social networking platform, so we’re dusting off our PHP and looking at all the integration points with the rest of the openSUSE platform: the Build Service, Bugzilla, the wiki, Lizards, and so on. So if you’re more of a web monkey than a distro gibbon and would like to help, drop by tomorrow or just get in touch with the  http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Boosters_team.

I took a few photos of us in action today, following the three-of-a-kind motto:





I’m off to the social event now, more tomorrow!

I’m going to FrOSCon

August 20th, 2010 by

Ah, FrOSCon, where all the projects with funny capitalisation feel at home, and they promote OSC, the Open SUSE build service Command line tool for us.

I’m going to be there together with the other openSUSE Boosters, where we have a Devroom to hack on things that will make openSUSE go Pop! (in the swelling-with-contributors sense). If you’re at FrOSCon, be sure to drop by and say hi! Oh and we will have the latest KDE stuff to show you, as usual :).

Status openFATE Milestone

August 6th, 2010 by

Recently Henne Greenrock sent a status report about the Boosters Standup-Meeting here he said that nothing happened to the openFATE sprint. Well, that’s only partly true, so it seems to be time to take a closer look and revitalize the project openFATE a bit.

What’s the matter with openFATE?

We did a good start with openFATE to involve everybody who is interested into product planning. However, after the screening team was formed it turned out that some parts of the process are not yet working well. The biggest problem is still that the screening team members can not move features from state UNCONFIRMED to NEW which turned out to be crucial for a fluent process. So the Boosters picked up the task since we think this is a huge blocker to work together as a community effectivly.

The openFATE Screening Page lists a few more details about the openFATE screening team and the issues.

How are we going to solve the issues?

The Screening Team Members need additional rights. We will create a user group “openFATE Screener” which gives people in it additional rights in openFATE. For the time being, the group will be maintained within openFATE. Once we have connect.opensuse.org in place, we will use it to maintain the group setting. The important bit here is to give the screeners group the ability to maintain itself, ie. add or remove members.

Being a screener will enable people to change status of a feature from UNCONFIRMED to NEW. That is a responsible task because being in state NEW, the feature goes through the whole mill of the process, also through product and project management for SLE products. We have to make sure to have high quality features here.

Futhermore the screeners will be able to add infoproviders to features in case they know who can help there which is also a very sensible task.

Another part to work on are notifications. People should be notified when they get added to a feature. We use Hermes for that (which is already working) so the only issue is that if people who get added to a feature are not subscribed to the certain notifications in Hermes, they do not receive anything. Which is per purpose as we want to leave the control to the users. The solution to that is to inform the screeners about the Hermes subscription status of the people added. If somebody is not subscribed, its on the screener to talk to the guy and convince him to join into the openFATE game. I don’t think it makes sense to subscribe users silently because that would take away control over their subscriptions and messages get ignored as spam in the end.

Last but not least we have to solve the “I am free, pick me!”-problem, which is about features that went through the decision process and would fit nicely into a product but have no developer implementing it yet. In the company process that means that a teamlead assigns a developer from his team on that. In the community we need to change that so that people can pick the feature themselves. That has some implications to the attached internal process, so that there are still some questions open. We have to investigate a bit on that.

What has happened so far?

I was able to change the keeperproxy, which is a security relevant proxy which filters data that is going to be exposed to the internet. Moreover I was kung-fuing through the Javascript in the openFATE webapp so that it is now possible to change the status if one is screener. I also added a screener attribute to the Person-Model in the openFATE rails app. Last but not least I added the basic API functionality to get and set subscriptions to Hermes.

What needs to be done?

Well, everything that is there is still rough and needs testing and polishing. Futhermore I added the remaining tasks to Retrospectiva, please check there.

As usual we’re happy about your input on this!

Software search trick

August 4th, 2010 by

Do you use software.opensuse.org and get an error message “search limit reached” when searching for a generic term like “perl” or “kde”? Here is the solution:
The software search now also supports matching for exact package names, just put your search string into double quotes! See for example perl or kde4

Some wrap-up from LinuxTag

June 14th, 2010 by

Just traveling back by train from LinuxTag, Berlin to Nürnberg. How was LinuxTag? In general it seems to me that LinuxTag may should change their motto “Were .com meets .org” as the event changed over the years more and more to an community project events with a few companies attending and a few business visitors passing by. I wonder who’s willing to pay the bill for LinuxTag ongoing? But that’s not of my business. Apart of the trade show the LinuxTag team served a pretty broad and high quality 4 days conference. For the community guys and girls I’d say it was a pretty good event with much conversation and meeting of people you normally just meet on mailingslists, forums or IRC and with a bunch of poeple new or intersted in Linux and open source.

We had big fun at the openSUSE booth showing mainly the openSUSE Build Service 2.0 and milestone 7 of openSUSE 11.3. Additional of this usual trade show program we served daily 3-4 small hack sessions on the booth to teach people in things like, Roll your first package in the Build Service, Insights into GNOME 3.0 or learning some Inkscape magic.  They all were well attended and gave room for intensive 1:few conversations. The biggest fun we had with “Henne’s handicraft workshop” which took place daily at 5pm at the booth and covered stuff like creating your openSUSE bag, match LinuxNacht dress cody by wearing an openSUSE pin etc.

In the conference I visited a few presentation to get more knowledge about SUSE Studio, Mono, open sourc in companies etc. I visited as well Microsoft’s keynote and I was not alone in the room 😉
The keynote was given by James Utzschneider who’s heading the open source department at Microsoft since less then a year but is with Microsoft for over 15 years. He’s a good talker and it looks to me that he’s a smart guy as well. He was pretty clear on the open source strategy Microsoft is following:

  • Microsoft changed heavily. Everything can be put on the table for disussion today but should be backed with good arguments.
  • Customer are asking that Microsoft products work seamlessly with open source products where ever they are used at customers location. So, main goal here is to follow common standards and improve the interoperability in literally all areas to make the customers confident and stay with Microsoft products.
  • Microsoft is a business company and is mainly driven through business cases – if the open source path is beneficial in $ for Microsoft – Microsoft will take it further down. Its pretty unlikely that things are done for the open source community just to make them happy.

We might get in touch with James as Microsoft could spice up the openSUSE conference in October. Ahh, with regards to that we informed pretty many other projects and developers at LinuxTag about the openSUSE conference and this years motto “Collaboration accross borders” and it was well received and we should be able to cover a number of interesting topics working together with communities other then the openSUSE one. Now it the time to shape the conference, call for papers is open till July 31.

Pavol put up a collection of photos which give a good summary of openSUSE @ LinuxTag 2010. We had fun at LinuxTag 2010, had many good conversations, got new valuable input in many areas and are keen on how LinuxTag evolves in the future.

Some LinuxTag 2010 impressions

June 13th, 2010 by

LinuxTag 2010 has ended, openSUSE had a booth in the community area and we had a number talks. We also released OBS 2.0 on LinuxTag. You know this of course already, but here are some impressions.

openSUSE booth was very well visited. Various workshops and activities created several times actually a big swarm around it. Many people were interessted about OBS in special and I hope we won some more OBS users and developers.

Hennes and mine talk about “how to escape the free software hell” was provocant enough to get quite some people into our room directly after the keynote. I hope we were able to show off the coolness of OBS there.

Read the comments in the picture gallery for some background information.

Zippl – a Lightweigth Presentation Tool

June 11th, 2010 by

Recently people played around a lot with a new kind of presentations. The pages in the classical presentation tool sense seem to lie around on a large canvas and while the presentation running, the focus moves over the canvas and stops by interesting points. Zooming allows to go more in detail and other cool graphics effects make it fun to watch these presentations.

This week was the fifth Hackweek at Novell where we can pick an interesting topic and work on it. I am always interested in cool applications and I wanted to investigate a bit on Qts GraphicsView anyway so I decided to go for a proof of concept implementation of a lightweight but cool presentation tool following these concepts.

The tool is called Zippl (for no specific reason). It is implemented in C++ with Qt 4.6. Via a XML file the user can specify so called spots on the Zippl-canvas. During a presentation one after the other canvas is displayed with an animated move from one to the other.

Spots can consist of text in various fonts and sizes, geometric forms and images. Colors and line widths and stuff can be specified for each item. It is amazing what can already be done with these few elements.

But decide yourself by checking the following out, its the first little presentation done with Zippl:

With Qt its again fun to work on this kind of applications and the GraphicsView framework is awesome. If you want to see code, it is in the KDE svn, module playground/office.

What do you think? Is that something to investigate more on? You can give me feedback in openFATE about it if you want and rate it.

Novell Hackweek Five

May 28th, 2010 by

Hackweek Five LogoI am really looking forward to the next Hackweek that we have in Novell – it will be in the week from 7-11 of June 2010.
In that week, Novell allows a whole lot of people to spend the full work time (and more 😉 to work on whatever free software they want. That is really a huge thing, because we’re talking about hundrets of engineers.
What everybody is working on is as said not at all prescribed, except that it should benefit the idea of free software. There is a list maintained of ideas which people have for Hackweek Five in order to find somebody joining the team or to pick the idea up at all.
The good thing now is that of course openFATE is used to maintain this list and thus it is open for the openSUSE Community to also add ideas, comment or vote on whats already there. This is of course no guarantee that the idea is going to be picked up but still. So everybody who thinks she has an idea that will inspire someone on Hackweek Five, feel free to add it to openFATE and talk about.
Of course it is also possible and appreciated to work on Hackweek projects also as non Novell employee 🙂
Get in touch – it will be exciting!

A Blog on Sourceforge

May 6th, 2010 by

A little more than two weeks ago we released Kraft version 0.40, the first version of Kraft based on KDE 4 software platform. The release went fine as far as I can tell, no terrible bugs were reported yet. Some work went into the new website since then, but in general I need a few weeks break from Kraft and spend my evenings outside enjoying spring time.

Today, Sourceforge posted a blog about Kraft after they kind of mail-interviewed me. It’s nice, it really focuses on the things also important to me. This might be another step towards a broader user base for Kraft. I say that because one could have the impression that the number of people actually really using Kraft could be larger. A high number of users is one of the fundamental criteria for a successful free software project and thus I am constantly trying to understand whats the reason for the impression or the fact.

The first idea is that the Kraft project simply does something wrong in the way a project should be driven. But there are releases, there is a so far ok website, there are communication channels with information on it and people answering questions. Of course, it always could be done better, but I hope and believe we are not doing too bad. Marketing could be more, that’s granted.

The next thing could be that nobody needs this kind of software. But there are quite some companies doing this kind of software in the commercial space. So there must be a market. Actually I think the market is huge. People are writing invoices all over the world and I bet many of them are not really satisfied with the way they do it usually which makes Kraft at least an option to try for them.

And this might lead to better path: Probably these people do not know that the option exists. They simply haven’t heard about Kraft yet and if they would there is a good chance that they would not believe that it is free etc pp. And this is probably not specific to Kraft but also applies, of course much more weaker, to larger projects like openSUSE or KDE: A lot of people from the ‘real world’ don’t know about free software communities, the ideas behind and the benefits for users of the software. That sounds strange to us, as this is our daily reality, but start with asking your parents or non computer related friends if they really understand what it is about. Imagine what people know who have no computer job nor -hobby nor know you!

What consequences can that have for us? Well, we could decide to skip this group of people. That would mean, beside some other effects, that Kraft would not make sense any more and I don’t like that. It probably should influence the way we see the ‘product management’ aspect of our projects. For me, ‘product management’ is often equivalent to “take care that the result is especially useful to non computer scientists” (which is probably not what PM really is about) and the focus on that is very important and the precondition for the next point.

We might have to take our projects even more out of the geek niche and go to places where the ‘real world’ happens. That is difficult for various reasons. First, it means that we have to start to explain again from start, and maybe also get questions where the answer is not obvious. Furthermore it might have practical issues, because for example fairs for handcrafter utilities charge seriously for software boothes which is not the case if we present projects on FOSS events.
On the other hand its easy because we all just have to spread the word even more and tell everybody about free software, our projects and free culture. And try to think as if we weren’t free software people. I know, most of us do already what they can and that’s great 🙂