openSUSE Week Counter
UPDATE: New Dates. You now have more time to plan!
As you can see the week of the 11th to the 17th of May is openSUSE Week. What’s so special about this week? Well in a nutshell, the aim is to get all corners of the community together to focus on specific topics. These topics range from wiki cleanup to packaging; testing certain features/functions to translation work; discussion with the openSUSE Board and almost anything inbetween.
I’d like to suggest a couple of other items to the list (yes I know I need to add them to the wiki). Both items are marketing related:
- Create good screencasts, ideally of each major component but I’m open to ideas.
- As requested by certain a11y users & proponents, close caption the video that we have (and the interviews I still need to upload).
- I know I said a couple but maths was never my strong point 😉 Try and do some video interviews that we can group under the “People Of openSUSE” banner. I’ve already started this but mainly with Novell employees. If community members are willing to help out, please let me know (it could even be you filming yourself without any need for video conferencing).
So please make sure you come and join the fun, remember the openSUSE community wont succeed unless you join in. We may even have the opportunity to have a soap box where you can voice your complaints and issues. The important thing is the openSUSE Week is about you the community for you the community, to get something out of it you need to put something into it. Lastly it’s all about having good old fashioned geeko fun! So come along and join the fun 😀