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Archive for September 3rd, 2008

Funny Output For Some

September 3rd, 2008 by

Last week (aka Hackweek 3) I worked on a Linux From Scratch system.

A colleague dropped by and asked me what kind of power supply were sufficient for a certain machine. I thought “ok, let’s just ask lshal|grep battery
My hope was that the hardware would not only measure the voltage of the battery but also the current drained from it.

What I found was kinda funny from an Electrical Engineer’s point of view:

lshal output for laptop battery

So what? “voltage.current”? Voltage? Or current? Or multiplied?

After laughing a bit I thought seriously about bug report, but it isn’t a bug apparently.
I find those things funny, can’t help it. I therefore consider this an Easter Egg of HAL.

Still, if anyone knows if a laptop can tell me the current current (SCNR), let me know.


Unifying Progress During Installation – Continued…

September 3rd, 2008 by

So, my code from the hackweek is now in the YaST Subversion and the packages submitted for build.

Now the fun part begins, as some YaST developers noticed very quickly. There are several parts of YaST that got broken – e.g. YaST Partitioner on the running system spotted by Arvin, or sw_single not really adapted spotted by Bubli, …

Thanks to those I’m working with Kobliha to fix the issues as they come. So, if there is a progress in YaST (typically related to package installation) that does not behave as expected, it is certainly worth a bug report.