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KIWI-LTSP at the Brindisi’s Linux-Day (Italy)

October 26th, 2008 by

Yesterday, 25 October, ILS (Italian Linux Society) and italian LUGs (Linux User Groups) had organized Linux Day. A day, where we spread words about Linux

Me and my LUG (BriLUG – Brindisi Linux User Group) worked to it, on my City (Brindisi indeed).

Here some photos:

me with suse gadgets

in particular, in the morning i talked about GnuPG keys.

The evening was an “installation party” where i presented KIWI-LTSP to teachers and schools representatives.

(same child plays with openSUSE-edu on LTSP laptops)

The project likes and infact, the press talked about it to. (check second colomn)

A great Day isn’t it?

(all photos will be available on BriLUG website)


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3 Responses to “KIWI-LTSP at the Brindisi’s Linux-Day (Italy)”

  1. Good job! 😀

  2. Great initiative, indeed !
    Go on this way…


  3. Good work, could you post a link to translated news clip?