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Archive for July 20th, 2009

Hackweek: Application Directory Interface for OBS

July 20th, 2009 by

Frank Karlitschek is joining us here in Nürnberg to work with us through the Hackweek. First project is to build and integrate an interface where webapps like www.kde-apps.org can get information from about binary packages that exist on the openSUSE Buildservice. That will make it very easy for upstream developers who build their package for several distros in OBS to get a list of available binaries in the application directory application. In kde-apps.org which will use this first you just need to enter the name of OBS project and package and the download links for rpms or deps will appear automagically. That takes away the pain to maintain lenghty lists of links to rmps 🙂

The specification is in the Wiki – Buildservice Concepts. Comments are welcome.

New Package: kpassgen

July 20th, 2009 by

Today i’ve released the kpassgen Package in KDE:KDE4:Community. It is planned to publish in Contrib too. (more…)

Introducing Libstorage

July 20th, 2009 by

Libstorage is a C++ library for managing Linux storage devices. So far it was developed as part of YaST but since a few weeks it is an independent project.

Here is a code example creating a 1GB partition on /dev/sdb.

  Environment env(false);
  StorageInterface* s = createStorageInterface(env);

  string name;

  // Create 1GB partition on /dev/sdb and format it with Ext4.
  s->createPartitionAny("/dev/sdb", 1048576, name);
  s->changeFormatVolume(name, true, EXT4);

  // Set mount-point to "/home" and fstab option to "relatime".
  s->changeMountPoint(name, "/home");
  s->changeFstabOptions(name, "relatime");

  // Set filesystem label to "HOME" and mount filesystem by label.
  s->changeLabelVolume(name, "HOME");
  s->changeMountBy(name, MOUNTBY_LABEL);

  // Commit the change to the system. This will create the partition,
  // format and mount it and update /etc/fstab.


Besides of hard-disks libstorage handles RAID, LVM, NFS, various filesystems and encryption. Swig generated Python bindings are also provided. Libstorage has no dependencies on YaST, neither for building nor runtime. We hope libstorage will also be useful for other projects.

More information is available in the openSUSE Wiki, including a list of useful features people would love to see implemented in the near future.

Comments are as always welcome.