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Archive for February 11th, 2010

openSUSE Forums – Tighter Integration with the openSUSE Board

February 11th, 2010 by

After a review by the openSUSE board and some significant changes in the administration, the openSUSE forums is well placed to provide sterling support to it’s users. The openSUSE forums team can be seen here: Forum Team
A general drawing together of all the openSUSE community (including the forums), will mean better communication over all the areas, this should translate in to improved support for the users. The forum now has language specific areas: Forum
And a Wiki area too. This will compliment the enormous work being done in the Wiki to improve user support. Both have their compliment of Forum specific Moderators. Here at openSUSE forum we really go the extra mile to help you.
A big thank you goes out to the openSUSE board for their help over recent months. All here in the forum look forward to working along with the rest of the community.

new osc feature to review requests

February 11th, 2010 by


darix asked me to implement a new feature (and to blog about it 🙂 ) to review requests interactively. How it works:

osc request show <request id> –interactive. Example:
marcus@linux:~> osc rq show 32152 –interactive
Request #32152:

submit:   home:Marcus_H/bar(r1)(update) -> home:Marcus_H/foo

foo bar

State:   new          2010-02-11T02:40:20 Marcus_H
Comment: None

d(i)ff/(a)ccept/(d)ecline/(r)evoke/(c)ancel > a -m “reviewed and accepted”

If you just specified “a” or “d” or “r” osc will run $EDITOR to enter a message. To enable this interactive mode permanently add “request_show_interactive = 1” to the “[general]” section in your ~/.oscrc.

Comments, feature requests etc. are always welcome.