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March 3rd, 2010 by

Part of our “umbrella” milestone, Pavol and Robert ported software.opensuse.org to the Bento theme. To get more feedback for it, I now deployed it as http://software.opensuse.org/stage.

Please note two things:

  • it also includes a new feature from the Education project: a link to openSUSE derivates
  • the language box is experimental and we kind of decided already to kill it again

On top of that of course: the Bento theme is not yet finished – it’s only a stage deployment to get feedback.

Have fun!

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7 Responses to “http://software.opensuse.org/stage”

  1. Where should we send feedback to ?

    • coolo

      Either opensuse-web or opensuse-boosters mailing list are fine. Or join #opensuse-boosters if you want to discuss on IRC

  2. Andreas Jaeger

    Please mention on the page not only how to burn a CD but also how to deploy on an USB image.

  3. Looks very nice. I only have problem with languages. It starts in Hungarian for me, which is fine, as Firefox is set to look for Hungarian. But when I change the language to English, it still displays part of the pages in Hungarian…

  4. On http://software.opensuse.org/stage/search?lang=en almost everything:

    1 gyűjtemény és 13 bináris a 2 forráscsomagból
    Közvetlen hivatkozás ehhez a találathoz
    1-Kattintásos telepítés
    Kézi csomagletöltés
    OBS projekt
    i586 syslog-ng-2.0.9-29.1.i586.rpm
    src syslog-ng-2.0.9-29.1.src.rpm
    x86_64 syslog-ng-2.0.9-29.1.x86_64.rpm
    syslog-ng is a “new-generation” syslogd (replacement) for Unix and
    Unix-like systems. It tries to fill the gaps in the original syslogd

    1-Kattintásos telepítés
    Kézi csomagletöltés
    OBS projekt
    i586 syslog-ng-3.0.5-19.1.i586.rpm
    src syslog-ng-3.0.5-19.1.src.rpm
    x86_64 syslog-ng-3.0.5-19.1.x86_64.rpm

  5. coolo

    Yeah, the language doesn’t seem to be transferred when you POST to search – I get the results in german too