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New design of lizards and avatars

October 1st, 2010 by

The new design of lizards.opensuse.org and news.opensuse.org is up and I’d like to thank especially Henne and Robert for the fresh look!

I noticed one thing: Some users have besides their names a nice picture, the so-called avatar. The avatar is not only show here but also on other sides like build.opensuse.org.  To show your avatar, go to the global avator side, register, upload a small picture and associate it with the email address you have given when registering for using the openSUSE infrastructure. Next time you visit, your avator should be shown besides your name.

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3 Responses to “New design of lizards and avatars”

  1. etamPL

    I really like the new look, but how about replacing tweeter and facebook with addtoany.com button?

  2. if it looks pretty, it seems to have losed some important css or transformation.
    for example the code tag is no more pretty styled ….

  3. Bugs Bunny

    Why do I need a facebook account to rate articles?