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10 obscure Linux office applications

November 9th, 2010 by

Last night I was trying to beauty up my Kraft Homepage a bit and while doing that I realised that half of the allowed transfer volume that is coming with the cheap hosting contract is already eaten up for November. Investigating how that could have happened I found out that Kraft was mentioned in a very nice blog called 10 obscure Linux office applications you need to try. It introduces some interesting apps out of the whole mass of all FOSS apps in that specific area. Kraft is mentioned there, which is of course nice, the author seems to like Kraft. I am, however, not really sure why the word obscure is in the headline of the blog, do you know 😉 ?

But the other nine applications are also really interesting, such as goldendict, which combines multiple dictionaries on the desktop or TOra which is a cool database GUI. We do not have them in Factory nor

The next openSUSE release 11.4 is slowly but surely coming up and I think it makes sense to add cool software now. Maybe the listed apps in the blog are ideas to spice up our distro a bit with good software? I volunteer to take care of Kraft 😉

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2 Responses to “10 obscure Linux office applications”

  1. werfl

    the problem with TOra might be that it requires an Oracle client on installation. That may be the reason why Petr provides it on http://download.yarpen.cz/ and not within the build service. I once liked the tool – but due to several problems with TOra some years ago when I switched to x86_64 I don’t use it any more, I use Oracle’s free SQLdeveloper instead. I still think that the idea of TOra is more convincing that that of SQLdeveloper, though 😉
    Regards, Werner

  2. Well, for some people Kraft could be obscure – not for me ,of course 😉 but maybe for those not running a business or needing those kinds of tasks. But, looking down the list in the article: Okular! Really? *The* PDF (and more) viewing application produced by one of the big two desktop software communities in the free software world is obscure?