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Archive for December 5th, 2010

Unity (maybe) on Fedora

December 5th, 2010 by

According to this post by Adam Williamson (Fedora QA), Unity might actually land on Fedora.

Some time ago, I’ve dropped into openSUSE-GNOME mailing list an email regarding this topic, and the need that we openSUSE have regarding to protect a possible risk of having our users migrating to Ubuntu to check out Unity. The downside of openSUSE is the fact that we might be limited by manpower.

To me, this sounds the most sane strategy to promote a vertical defense of our community. Adam Williamson and Fedora seem to have acknowledged that it is important to provide users with software so that they do not feel the rush or need to change vendor to check out a new piece of software, specially when it’s something already strong in name as Unity.

From my side… I’ve started to work on building a test repository for Ubuntu stuff… currently I’ve got most dependencies already ready for Factory, including a gtk+ version with the patches to enable some functionality required for the Ubuntu Indicators.

If ‘openSUSE IBERIA’ happens to happen… it’s GNOME version will be very close to Ubuntu (and in some cases even featuring extended functionality, like GDM Configuration tool, Notify-OSD skinning, amongst other small goodies). Why to build something close to Ubuntu? EASY ANSWER! PORTUGAL AND SPAIN are dominated by Ubuntu… by providing something very close to the Ubuntu experience we might become more attractive to those users and establish positive synergies to attack their user base! YES, we, proud Portuguese and Spanish are packing out stuff to take the fight to the streets! Which reminds me of an old English saying:

“Españoles en la mar quiero. Y si es en tierra, San Jorge nos proteja…” (The spanish we want on the sea. If in land we find them, Saint George protect us…”

Many apologies for the mistake.