Just a quick note before openSUSE 13.1 hit the street.
Sebastian Siebert is trying to build and fix issues (essentially with 32bits) founded in the beta6 version of fglrx. Once that will be done, I should be able to deliver a new version of the fglrx drivers in the beta repository.
He also ask, like several of us AMD when they would like to release it: there’s no answer to that. So what does that mean.
The old 13.4 stable version from April, will NOT work with openSUSE 13.1. That’s why you will not find any driver in the stable repository.
For owners of old HD2xx-HD4xx, don’t dream, the legacy driver didn’t get update, so your choice is easy, use open source radeon driver.
I just hope I’m wrong in my feeling that we will have to wait until January, the launch of AMD new processor & apu.