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Archive for November 1st, 2014

FGLRX – Warning openSUSE 13.2 / Tumbleweed

November 1st, 2014 by

NO AMD FGLRX driver for openSUSE 13.2 and Tumbleweed will be
ready for the release on November 4th.

The reason is a bug affecting FGLRX against the new xorg present in 13.2 and obviously in factory / tumbleweed.
November 4th, tumbleweed repositories will be switched to the new factory rolling tested.

I’ve decided that at that time, I will until a fixes deactivate and empty the factory and tumbleweed repositories for fglrx and fglrx-beta.

What to do

If you depend on fglrx and are under 13.1, try to avoid to upgrade until fglrx for 13.2 reappear

If you are under tumbleweed (13.1) with fglrx, you have two choices. Remove fglrx, used free radeon, and then you can upgrade to newer tumbleweed, or lock your repository, and wait the fix for fglrx

Hope to write very soon, a good news.