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Archive for October 25th, 2015

Cleanup on OBS – Bacula packages to adopt

October 25th, 2015 by

I was one of the creator and maintainers of bacula packages on obs (Story started 4 years ago).
Since then (+3 years) I’m using another tool called Bareos, and have no more interest
nor time to maintain those packages.

Since sometimes, bacula project has released two main major version. (7.0 and 7.2).
Nobody has taken care of the packages available on obs Archiving:Backup, nor have
proposed an update. [1]

Those packages have never been submitted to Factory, and proposed to any released openSUSE version.
From one of the last upstream announcement Bacula project will deliver directly prebuild packages for major distributions.

So if you’re interested to take ownership of those, raise your hands now (ask maintainer status with obs interface).
I will let a grace period of one month before sending a delete request.

Have fun!