The best Linux distribution for education got a whole lot better, your Li-f-e(Linux for Education) takes a “Leap” to 42.1. openSUSE Education community is proud to present this latest edition based on openSUSE 42.1 with all the features, updates and bug fixes available on it till date. This effectively makes it the only enterprise grade long term supported(LTS) distribution for Education.
As with previous releases we have bundled a ton of softwares on this live DVD/USB specially packaged for education, along with the Plasma, GNOME and Mate Desktop Environments, full multimedia experience is also provided out of the box thanks to the Packman repositories. Only x86_64 architecture is supported, if you have a lot of machines that only support x86 then read on to find out how you can extend their Li-f-e.
You can of course very easily turn Li-f-e to full-fledged LTSP server to PXE boot machines in your local network. Booting both i686 and x86_64 architectures is supported. In case you need to PXE boot machines below i686 then you would have to install this package.
Happy holidays!
- Games
- Development
- Graphics
- Learning
- Learning
- Multimedia
- Office
- Mate desktop
Get Li-f-e from here: Direct Download | md5sum | Alternate download and mirrors
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You’ve written that it’s supported “till date”. Can you tell us what the actual date is, or are you still waiting to find out?
“based on openSUSE 42.1 with all the features, updates and bug fixes available on it till date” – all the updates published for openSUSE Leap 42.1 till 20 Dec are included in the image.
Do you mean actual support period of Leap? See for that information.
Hello Li-f-e 42.1,
You wrote:
“This release includes carefully selected software for students, educators as well as parents. The software selection encompasses everything required to make computers productive for either home or educational use without having to install anything additional.”
Well, these are for generalities.
What about a specific list of selected education software, which student age ranges are you addressing, how the softwares are organized by age range – by level (which ones) or not at all, localization, etc…
In fact, the basic information anyone needs for understanding what Li-f-e 42.1 is or is not and making it possible to compare it to other GNU/Linux distributions specialized in Education.
Thanks. Cheers,
By the way, I have forgotten one thing about Li-f-e(Linux for Education):
In the above images, you put first Games, Development and Graphics before Learning.
I hope, it’s just an end of the year joke!
Li-f-e(Linux for Education) is first about Learning / Education! Isn’t it?
If you follow the screenshots you’d see the applications included, Shorter list: and for more comprehensive list follow the link mentioned in the post:
It would be easier to boot up the iso in a VM if you wish to do a detailed comparison with other distributions.
Li-f-e is all about playing and learning in whatever order you prefer 🙂