Well as it always has been, opensuse was present in the three branches of FLISOL.
Here is the report for each one.
For this seat, was attended for 150 (the number of that can be change)people all of there take a free promoDVD of opensuse 11.2 and 11.1, some people take the live CD of gnome
All stuffed animals were raffled among attendees, the raffled consist in win a little tournament of Frets On Fire with an special national proyect of Frets On Fire called FoF nica; this proyect is about a personalize fof with national rock musica, just as it was with T-shirts
The event was great, but we have a little problems with the AC jejeje, which greatly affects the presentation of frets on fire because the room was uninhabitable for more than a song of time and people just came to see but came out very quickly.
We decorate our stand with some t-shirts and geckos, and we has a HD TV for play FOF jejeje. The people ask a lot about the double slice dvd, we are very famous in nicaragua jejejeje

Well… very very very early (6am), we made the trip to the north
city called Esteli here at Nicaragua.
Prepared with all the novell and opensuse stuff, ready with our
conferences, full power and energy !!!
At 8am we were looking for the university “UNI Norte” (National
University of Engineering of the North)
It was located, like 3 miles deeper in a trail to the mountains.
When we got there, there was some kind of a protest, I we realized
that the administrative personal and teachers had the university
Despite our attempts to convince them to allow us to make the event,
we were not allowed entry to the university.
We had to improvise and, outside the buildings had to put out the
banner of free software and start talking to
students, who were near, to show them the system and give away DVDs
and information to enter the linux community
We had to use my car as a table to put the info, T-shirts,
information, records and everything we could.
At noon we gave up because the teachers thought that we were mocking them.
We went to eat a snack at a restaurant called “La Casita” and we
talked about communities and linux
And so we returned to the capital Managua to help a little bit to the
installations of this site, and to talk a little more free software’s
We left with a lot of energy for the event almost failed in Esteli,
will be back, because some computer science teachers were impressed
with the features of this system.
We lost a battle but not war!
here some picture 😛
Now the best FLISOL in nicaragua!!
The event was stared at 9:30 AM, because some technical problems with our ISP, and that was necessary for the register system, and then we has to put a table in the middle of a principal door, because the WIFI was to low jejeje
At 9:30 AM we started the demostrations, and all the people take his promoDVD and liveCD of gnome, we has 10 installation, all installation was opensuse 11.2 =) Many people came and ask about opensuse 😛
The most important demostration was Multimedia Aplication bye Jose Angel Bonilla, because there was a person who asked about free alternative for adobe products, that’s was interesting because we have a little discussion about gimp, inkscape, blender, ardour, lmms, audacity. That’s was amazing!!!
We have a picasa album, for this event, because there was a lot of picture jejee