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Tuukka Pasanen

I´ve been always intersted in Music, Visual arts and Computers, not forgeting Sports. I wrote my first application in Basic when I was 10 and then I sucked a lot in Commodore 64 assembler. After that I thought to be an atheletic for 10 years but heck I'm still just thin nerd as I´ve always been. Currently I work for Ilmi Solutions Oy and we can help you with your Linux/Progamming problems Get contact with me: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/tuukka-pasanen/88/761/60b

Author Archive

openSUSE and GCC part 6: Introduction to autotools

November 12th, 2013 by

Autotools, autotools and once again autotools. Years ago I started with autotools I thought, ‘Hey someone has really get into linking and compiling’. I was sold for a while and tried to learn it inside out. Then I understood that I will never be good at autotools (So I started to go to gym instead). M4 macro language it is not my thing.
It’s just something that should be put on one way Mars shuttle and send to gray ones to figure out. I think mr. Spock’s brains functioned with M4 but mine won’t. If there is some M4 specialist. Send me e-mail or post comment about it and tell why M4 is best macro language on earth. If nobody stands up for poor M4-macro language I’ll keep unloving it. I can start liking it because I was so wrong with Rexx. (more…)

openSUSE and GCC part 5: Make love me do

November 5th, 2013 by

In this point of time if you haven’t any idea what is pkg-config or GCC you should be reading this. Or if you still do please make sure you read about them from these blog posts. ‘Make‘ as a tool doesn’t do anything easier it just hides not-so-easy-part from eyes of public. ‘Make’-tool executes (in default) Makefile-script that should tell how to build your applications step by step. There is no guaranties that it’s easier to understand how it’s build or you to understand that after a while. (more…)

openSUSE and GCC part 4: Pkg-config and what one can do with it

October 28th, 2013 by

When I re-booted my blogging habits with very UN-sexy and technical topic ‘GNU C Compiler and how to make it with openSUSE’. I thought nobody bothers to read these because A) Everyone who reads openSUSE blogs are PRO B) everyone wants to do Javascript, Python or ‘Put your script language here not C. I can tell actually C ain’t that bad you just have to shoot yourself to leg and then learn how to walk again.
Last blog entry was about ‘openSUSE and GCC part 3: RPM devel packages‘ someone (thanks for pointing that out really!) noted that I should fix C-Code example I was stunned! There were someone that really readied blog entry. Okay he/she didn’t say did he/she like it but some one read it.
I have one real reason to this blog-stuff. I hope I have found something like this when I young and I was starting my journey in Linux land. Currently there is so many more people now in populating it and it’s coming up fast. So If you find errors or don’t understand something be welcome to ask or want to know about something specific let me know! Now we get on today’s topic that is ‘pkg-config and what one can do with it’. (more…)

openSUSE and GCC part 3: RPM devel packages

October 22nd, 2013 by

In last blog I explained how to compile application with Gnu C Compiler as knows as ‘gcc‘. In blog I try to explain what are RPM devel packages and how to use them in C-application with ‘gcc‘. (more…)

openSUSE and GCC part 2: compiling ‘Hello World’

October 15th, 2013 by

I really hope you readied last article ‘OpenSUSE and GCC part 1: getting started‘ or you understand basics and you have GCC (Only GNU C Compiler as GCC stands Gnu Compiler Collection) installed. This time we learn how to compile application called ‘Hello World’. It’s so popular application even wikipedia have article about it. (more…)

openSUSE and GCC part 1: getting started

October 7th, 2013 by

I try to explain in this series of blog entries how to install gcc (GNU C-Compiler) and what to do with it. I  also try to explain little make and CMake/Autotools. This is not very generic tutorial because I like to promote openSUSE as coding platform. Most of the tips goes just fine with every distro. For the first words I like to say one thing: openSUSE is excellent platform for C-coding. Though, you can choose your programming language  but this time I like to talk about GCC and specially C-Compiler. I’ll try to how to get there with these writings because I have noticed that this substance is getting less attention that it needs. Also noted that GCC anf GNU is 30 years and I have used it almost 15 so time to share some information. (more…)