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Posts Tagged ‘meeting’

OpenStack Infra/QA Meetup

July 23rd, 2014 by

Last week, around 30 people from around the world met in Darmstadt, Germany to discuss various things about OpenStack and its automatic testing mechanisms (CI).
The meeting was well-organized by Marc Koderer from Deutsche Telekom.
We were shown plans of what the Telekom intends to do with virtualization in general and OpenStack in particular and the most interesting one to me was to run clouds in dozens of datacenters across Germany, but have a single API for users to access.
There were some introductory sessions about the use of git review and gerrit, that mostly had things I (and I guess the majority of the others) already learned over the years. It included some new parts such as tracking “specs” – specifications (.rst files) in gerrit with proper review by the core reviewers, so that proper processes could already be applied in the design phase to ensure the project is moving in the right direction.

On the second day we learned that the infra team manages servers with puppet, about jenkins-job-builder (jjb) that creates around 4000 jobs from yaml templates. We learned about nodepool that keeps some VMs ready so that jobs in need will not have to wait for them to boot. 180-800 instances is quite an impressive number.
And then we spent three days on discussing and hacking things, the topics and outcomes of which you can find in the etherpad linked from the wiki page.
I got my first infra patch merged, and a SUSE Cloud CI account setup, so that in the future we can test devstack+tempest on openSUSE and have it comment in Gerrit. And maybe some day we can even have a test to deploy crowbar+openstack from git (including the patch from an open review) to provide useful feedback, but for that we might first want to move crowbar (which is consisting of dozens of repos – one for each module) to stackforge – which is the openstack-provided Gerrit hosting.

see also: pleia2’s post

Overall for me it was a nice experience to work together with all these smart people and we certainly had a lot of fun


February 26th, 2010 by

For the last seven days we were hosting the KDE Plasma Team doing their developer meeting called Tokamak4 here in at the Nuremberg offices of Novell. It was great for SUSE to see the twentyfife KDE enthusiasts hacking on one of the most important parts of the KDE software compilation.

On monday we had the pleasure of a public event with four highly interesting talks given by the Plasmas in our allhands area in Maxtorhof. Will Stephenson was sheding some light on the old days where SuSE already was hosting a sprint for KDE. I guess in that days we still called it “developer meeting”, but it was basically the same concept. It happened in an office building called Schanz which was still SuSEs but not in use these days. Will had some cool photos of well known KDE developers, partly with more hair and less bally than nowadays, hacking on KDE3. I think the meeting was in 2003, so it is great to see how many people are still around in the community.For me that was the first KDE meeting I participated, working on my scan application called Kooka. Fun.

After that Aaron Seigo was talking about Plasma as a cross device and cross form factor concept, Marco Martin was presenting very interesting stuff about KDEs Netbook shell and finally Sebastian Kügler was introducing Silk, the project to free the web from the browser. It was a very inspiring evening which closed with good discussion over some drinks. I like to thank the KDE guys for giving the presentations and our guests for showing up.

The rest of the week was full of concentrated work for the Plasmas, watch out on planetkde for various posts.

From the openSUSE perspective it was a pleasure to host the meeting, it was very nice to meet you all again. Thank you all for being our guests. It was fun and as a result we really want to continue the idea.

openSUSE is upstreams friend and we are convinced that personal meetings are the most effective way to make progress. So if your community is watching out for a place to meet, innovate and hack, let us know, I am sure we can arrange something.

Indonesian openSUSE Monthly Meeting-May 2008

May 27th, 2008 by

Last week, Indonesian openSUSE community (openSUSE-ID) had a regular monthly meeting on Saturday, May 24, 2008. for promotional and marketing benefit, we choose Detik.com-currently biggest online newspaper in Indonesia) office at Aldevco Octagon Building Jakarta as our location for meeting. This is our sixth regular meeting since November 2007.

As scheduled on my previous post, this meeting covering up some agenda, ie : openSUSE 11.0 features preview, knowledge share about zypper package manager, our preparation for booth on IGOS Summit 2 event, openSUSE 11.0 release party and openSUSE on Live USB demo. (more…)

Discussing Garden Ornaments

May 14th, 2008 by

Well, it’s more the ornaments of the garden having a discussion 🙂

The GNOME Team are holding their meeting tomorrow Thursday 15th May at 1600GMT/UTC/ZULU (or translate it into your local time).  As always you can get sight of the agenda,the main themes for this week are PulseAudio, PackageKit, and installation patterns.

So if you have any suggestions, questions or complaints please join in on irc and get you voice heard.  Remember we are a community that like to work together.  If you want to try and influence anything within openSUSE then don’t be passive and sit in the background grumbling, stand up and join in.  This goes for all aspects of openSUSE, not just GNOME.  We won’t bite, but we may disagree.  From that disagreement we can hopefully get to an amicable compromise, or at the very least explain the decisions that have been made.

So please join use tomorrow and try and make GNOME even better under openSUSE 🙂  As it happens the KDE Team have their meeting today at 1800GMT/UTC/ZULU (translation to local).